| Scenarios Part 1 |

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i have so many drafts of oneshots and this is what i did first


When you're his girlfriend



- Makes drinks for you expect wine.
-  doesn't show affections through words out in public but he'll pour you endless love compliments when alone.
- A little awkward but tries his best.
- He'll give you gifts.
- He's sometimes shy when he ask of a kiss or a hug.
- One heck of a gentleman.


- Endless teasing.
- Touchy.
- Would write you poems and gives you flowers when he's away.
- Always find a way to make time for you even if he's a Captain.
- Flirts with you 24/7
- Compliments you 24/7
- Likes to show the whole city that you two are a couple.
- Pet names but often calls you beautiful or honey.


- Never boring when you're with him.
- You're the only member who stayed in his team.
- Thinks of you as the goddess of luck because when you're with him, his misfortunes would disappear.
- Would always ask you if you like to go treasure hunting.
- Always thanks you for being with him at the end of the day.
- An acorn would also fall to your head.
- "oW where the heck did that come from."
- Sometimes it'll fell on the both of you at the same time.
- He loves you with all his heart.


- You're his lupical.
- Gifts you meat.
- Loves it when you pat him or call him a good boy.
- Overprotective.
- Would growl if you're with someone he doesn't like.
- H u g s
- h*nd h*lding.
- He loves sleeping next to you.
- never try to resist his puppy eyes.


- Probably has a drawing book that's full of sketches of you.
- You're more beautiful than any scenery he saw.
- Possibly makes you his lab rat.
- Likes it when he does alchemy while you're around.
- "Is it okay if you can take off your clothes? I want to see the female anatomy"
- Doesn't intended to be a pervert.
- Would let you wear his jacket.
- Forehead kisses.


- Flies with you.
- Says his iconic ehe after every joke.
- Play songs for you.
- Walks around the city at night with you.
- Might beg you to buy wine for him because Diluc banned him to.
- He shares his apples with you.
- You could always feel the cool breeze when you're with him.
- He enjoys carrying you
- He would ask you if he could sleep on your shoulder to feel nostalgic.
- Teaches you poetry.



- Let's you share his popsicle.
- Overprotective (2) but from ghost.
- Cools down when you comfort him.
- Takes you to his missions.
- Head pats.
- Sometimes you lightly scratch below his chin because his eyes are like a cat and he somehow enjoys it.
- Easily gets embarrassed when you tease him.
- Actually really shy when it comes to PDA.
- Less shy when you two are alone.


- Library dates.
- Makes a story about you.
- Enjoys teaching you.
- often calls you 'My dear'
- Doesn't mind PDA.
- One heck of a gentleman (2)
- Loves giving you a kiss on the hand.
- Story time together.
- Pretty clingy.
- Rich boy would spend alot for you.
- Would sneak out from his place to meet you.
- He often says he loves you.
- He can't help but stare at you sometimes.


- Pretends to not care but he deeply loves you.
- You're the reason why he still wants to fight and live.
- Would now only eat tofu when you make it.
- Would agree to come to different places with you.
- Never fails to be there when you call him.
- Not into PDA because it's embarrassing.
- Secretly enjoys your hugs and kisses.
- "I could never understand why a Mortal finds it nice to hug another"
- Hugs you anyways and found it nice.
- You're his oomfm.


- Osmanthus wine tas—
- Broke daddy with great booty.
- Courts you.
- Enjoys talking about the past with you.
- Long walks around Liyue.
- You would often hug him alot.
- Tall as fu—
- Forehead kisses.
- Doesn't mind PDA.
- Actually has mora when he wants to have a date with you.
- That shows how much he loves you.



- Plays some music for you.
- Rhymes when he compliments you.
- His small smile is everything.
- He would hold your hands tightly if he suddenly felt like he'll lose you too.
- Would risk his life just to save you.
- Teases you when he can.
- Also likes carrying you.
- Doesn't mind kissing you out in public.
- Cold glares at a person who tries to flirt with you.
- Overprotective too.


- Walking discount coupon.
- Shows you around and takes you out for walks.
- Best housewife.
- He takes care of you and is very overprotective too.
- You find it cute when he tries to act like Taroumaru.
- Loves to wrap his arms around your hips.
- Calls you babe.
- Pda is a yes in his book.
- The calmer version of childe.


- Although he was described as uninhibited towards feelings, he's careful when it comes to you.
- Will do everything to protect you.
- You're his top priority when it comes to fighting in the battlefield.
- Actually doesn't want you to be in the battlefield because he's scared to lose you.
- Hisses at people who dare to lay a finger on you.
- Giddy when he's with you
- You're his stress reliever.
- Probably likes it when you lightly scratch behind your ear.



- His code name is Childe.
- Loves fighting with you, especially on bed—
- P D A
- Best housewife (2)
- He spends too much mora for you.
- Always asking for a duel.
- Probably a masochist for you at this point.
- " Hey baby gurl "
- Lip bites.
- Actually cares about you as much as he cares for his family.
- Foul legacy giving you strange feelings.


- He actually listens to you.
- Loves degrading you at sexy time.
- Lets you borrow his hat when you're in a bad mood.
- He steps down his pride for you.
- Easily gets pissed off when you get hurt by someone.
- You have to restrain him before he starts a blood bath.
- Compliments you only to make you feel shy.
- You better be a masochist from how sadistic he gets.
- rough kisses.
- Dislikes PDA especially when childe is around.
- Doesn't like it when you join in a battle field (2).
- Too overprotective.

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