| Experiment | Albedo

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It's a lovely afternoon for (Y/N). The tavern wasn't as crowded as all the other days because everyone seems to be busy even Kaeya himself won't be able to hang out in the tavern for the day.

She spent all those time talking with her grape juice buddy, which is Diluc who didn't mind about her yapping all her thoughts. Somehow he enjoyed the company of his friend since business is running low today.

Not too long that they heard to door open.

"Ah, There you are (Y/N)." The chief alchemist said as he spotted the girl he has been looking all over Monstadt at the angel's share.

The girl he called froze from her seat as soon as she heard him.

"I've been looking all over for you." He said and walk over to sit next to you. Diluc, who seems to be the victim of the scene, rose his brow in confusion. Not so often he sees the chief alchemist visiting the angel shares nor the place would come crossing through his alchemy addicted mindset.

On the other hand, (Y/N) sweats a little when Albedo sat next to her, knowing what he'll say next.

"Would you mind helping me test my potions?" He asked as nicely as he can

And of course how could she say no to that? She might have a small crush on him but using her like a lab rat is a no no in her book.

But she couldn't resist him so she told him that she did not mind at all.

"Great." He said with a small smile before taking her by the hand, "May I borrow her for a while?" Albedo look at Diluc as the red head nodded.

"All yours." He said before the two of them leave the tavern.

The walk to his lab was a little awkward for poor little (Y/N) although Albedo was just silently walking, still holding her hand which made her squeal mentally.

The two finally reached his lab. He slowly opened the door to see a lot of potions sitting on the table.

"Albedo, have you been making all these potions?" (Y/N) asked as she glances to the boy next to him, "And did you even sleep?" The girl added and poked his cheek close to where his eyebags are.

"Yes and no." He answered and took her finger away from his cheek.

(Y/N) pouted a little, "It's very unhealthy for you, promise me you'll sleep after this?"

Albedo walked over to the table and take a potion, "It's a deal." He said and handed over the potion to (Y/N).

"That potion makes you temporarily tall for atleast five minutes by the way." He told which made me perk up and went to drink the potion. I felt myself grow more than a inch that I ended up being taller than Albedo.

I look down on him and snickered, "Hey shorty, how's the weather down there?"

"You'll know after five minutes." Albedo replied with a small laugh.

We waited for a little until the potion wears off. After that, Albedo took the chance to flick my head for trying to tease.

He handed me over another one, "This one is my favorite, try it."

I took the potion from him, "This being your favorite makes me uneasy."

He only giggled as a reply and gestured me to drink the potion.

As I did, I felt the top of my head grew cat ears, my nails turned sharp and I grew a tail which made me a little uncomfortable.


Before I could say anything, Albedo reach over to scratch lightly on my cat ears which surprisingly feels extremely nice-

No, I will not tolerate this kind of treatment.

Must resist-

I ended up purring and every atom on me cringed so much. On the other hand, Albedo seems to be enjoying himself since he have that huge smile on his face I could tell that he is pleased from my actions.

His hand then went to scratch lightly under my chin. I don't have the willpower to pull away from how great it feels. As much as I want to roll away and fall off from the cliff because of embarrassment I somehow prefer this.

"Al..bedo- please-"

"Hmm? Please what?" He teased as he continued.


Sucrose came running towards to the lab because she forgot her paper that's filled with the data she collected. She stopped and was about to open the door until-

She heard them.

The girl did the cross sign and prayed to the anemo archon that the two from the other side didn't heard her footsteps, as she retreated back.


(Y/N) finally got a hold of herself and light bit Albedo's hand which made him flinch.

"Alright, I'll stop. The potion will wear off in seconds anyway." He said, She huffed at what he daid not even bother to reply him.

Another move from the cheif alchemist caught her off guard when he placed both of his hands on her hips and inched dangerously close. What has gotten into him today? He seems to be not himself that's for sure.

(Y/N) stuttered out her words trying to ask at whatever he is doing right now. The girl is a blushing mess and is ready to melt from the intense atmosphere, but she ain't complaining. He moved away after that which made her a little disappointed

"Are you mad?" He looked at me with furrowed brows.

"Dear archons.. no." She swiped off a cold sweat, "But what has gotten into you Albedo? Y-you're so out of character."

He sighed, "I love you, (Y/N). I just don't know how to express it so Kaeya went to help me since he did say he is an expert about this.. and I did what he told.." the boy decided to be straightforward. (Y/N)'s brain slowly processed what he said. Her cheeks quickly turned really red.

"S-so.. you did all this to express how you felt..?" She said as she felt her heart jump from how thoughtful he can be although it's very chaotic.

He nodded with a small blush tainted on his cheeks, "So uh-"

"Aww, Albedo! I love you too!"

Albedo look astonished from the answer and made his cheeks a little redder.

"Also don't listen to Kaeya, I still adore you for being yourself." (Y/N) reminded which he nodded aa he sighed in relief because he didn't got rejected.

"Also you need to go to sleep." (Y/N) said.

"Can you accompany me as I sleep?" He asked. She smiled and agreed that she'll come with him.

Albedo smiled as he gently take her hand and went to a different room where he could sleep.

As Sucrose came back to check if they're still there she saw then going to the bedroom.

'May I be the aunt of the gay baby.' She thought as she quietly left the building again.


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