Chapter thirtheen

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Your brown eyes are driving me crazy, Valentine thought to herself, glancing behind her at Tyler who sat at the dining table, making paperwork

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Your brown eyes are driving me crazy, Valentine thought to herself, glancing behind her at Tyler who sat at the dining table, making paperwork. But really, he was just watching her every step.

Ever since she had arrived at Tyler's place, his brown eyes followed her everywhere, watching her every move, like a predator.
If she would move to one room, he was there. If she went to another room, he appeared there, too.
It was like he didn't trust her.

Valentine was in the kitchen, preparing dinner. She made spaghetti bologna. It was easy and she wouldn't had to clean it from the walls.
Tyler loved spaghetti bologna.

When Tyler used to be this sweet boyfriend, there was a time he had told Valentine it was the only thing his mother could make.
And it became his favorite. It reminded him of her.
The man came from a loaded family. A family that was too busy to be around him.
That's only what Valentine knew, anyways.

Tyler's father passed away a half year back. Like a decent girlfriend, Valentine wanted to be there for Tyler at the funeral, wanting him to know he wasn't alone, but the man had refused harshly, shutting her off completely.
She guessed his father passing away made him what he was today.
A monster walking among the humans on earth. She had hope for him then, but now, she didn't.

Valentine sighed, knowing he would follow her into the living room. She had forgotten her phone there.
As she moved, she felt Tyler's footsteps following behind her. Valentine went for her phone, noticing dozen text messages from Kenji were left behind. Before she could have even a moment to read one, Tyler tore the phone from her hands.

He held it up, his thumb skimming through the text messages as he read them and muttered under his breath to himself.
His words were harsh, full of mockery, even disgust at what he had read.

"That's private!" Valentine exclaimed, attempting to regain possession of her phone.

However, Tyler wasn't about to hand it over and instead held it high in the air, out of her arm's reach. He then shoved her aside roughly and watched, glaring at her as she fell to the floor.

Valentine felt hurt, flinching as she watched her phone get thrown against the wall, shattering in pieces. "You don't need friends anymore, because now you have me." Tyler's words caused her throat to tighten.

Valentine whimpered, looking at her broken phone. It wasn't fair. She had no contact with the outside world anymore. She couldn't reply to Kenji's messages anymore.
Valentine didn't want Kenji to feel like she had used him.
She didn't want him to think she was ignoring him. Or think she was dead in a alley somewhere.
But, she couldn't do anything, for now.

Valentine walked back to the kitchen, having to tell herself she was doing this for Kenji. She wouldn't kill Tyler in his sleep, even though that thought was very, very attractive to her at the moment.
Valentine served the spaghetti bologna, sitting on her seat, waiting for Tyler to give her permission.

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