Chapter nine

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Kenji handed the old grey haired man behind the glass the two purple tickets

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Kenji handed the old grey haired man behind the glass the two purple tickets.

The older man smirked at Kenji, knowing why he was here. The man's words got caught in his throat as Valentine came in his vision. He immediately slicked his grey hair back, ignoring the shudder of disgust that went through Valentine's body.

"Hello pretty lady," the old man said, winking and showing off the few teeth he had left in his mouth. He noticed how close she was standing to Kenji, in which he didn't mind his own business and asked the man if he was with her.

Kenji nodded, suddenly pulling Valentine closer to him by her knowing she had felt uncomfortable with the man's eyes raking up and down her body hungrily.

A nasty cackle came out of the man's mouth. "You're straight now?" The ugly laughing didn't stop.

Kenji rolled his eyes. "Nice chatting with you, Bobby," Kenji grumbled, walking away with Valentine as the ugly laughing of Bobby continued.

Valentine nervously fiddled with her fingers as she sat on her seat next to Kenji who was talking to a man seated next to him.

Valentine wore an emerald dress that ended a bit above her knees.
She didn't know what occasion she had to dress so she had went for a dress.
Her hair was out in two messy buns with two front pieces braided and cute little beads on the end.
She wore little hair clippers, finishing the cute hairstyle.
She wore black chunky sandals under her dress to finish the look.
Valentine had also put a bit of a effort in makeup, wearing brown lipliner and clear lipgloss that made her even more appealing to the outside world than she already was.
She even wore eyeliner and she hadn't wore that in years. Truth was, she didn't know what to expect and she wanted to leave a  good impression on the first time.

Kenji was wearing black pants and a purple sweater, looking casual as ever. Every now and then in the conversation with the man, Kenji would turn his head to Valentine who would also look up at him with her big doe eyes.

"Are you okay?" Kenji asked in which Valentine nodded, looking down once again when he carried on the conversation with the man who glanced at her with curiosity in his eyes.

The man nudged Kenji who in turn gave him a questioning look.
"Introduce me," the man practically begged.

Kenji wanted to roll his eyes as his friend asked.
Ralf was one of those men that would make a woman believe they are in love with them, just to cheat on the next woman they'll see.
His excuse would be they weren't together, or the famous "we were on a break."
In short. That man was a slut.

Honestly, the last thing Kenji wanted to do was introduce sweet, sweet Valentine to Ralf who couldn't keep one woman for a month.
Kenji gave the man the stink eye before he engulfed his hand into Valentine's smaller one.

Valentine's eyes immediately went to their now holding hands, a small smile threatening to come out as she felt her cheeks getting warmer.

Ralf pouted, muttering out a "it's not fair," before the lights in the audience began to flicker a bit.

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