chapter fifteen

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"You can tell how dangerous a person is by the way they hold their anger inside themselves quietly

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"You can tell how dangerous a person is by the way they hold their anger inside themselves quietly."

Valentine watched silently as Tyler was getting dressed in a expensive looking Bordeaux red suit. His tie was black, though. Everything about his outfit just screamed pure evil. Not that he wasn't. Valentine had to hold back the sneer that was threatening to come out.

"Which one do you like better?" Tyler decided to ask for Valentine's opinion.
Valentine adjusted her round glasses that were falling on the tip of her nose.
She couldn't tell him that even in  the most elegant suit, Tyler would just make it ugly by simply being in it.

"I like the red one," Valentine said softly, watching Tyler feel himself in it, looking at the suit from different angles.
"I think so too, it really brings out my eyes,"  he answered, his eyes searching for Valentine's in the reflection of the mirror.

But, the woman had her attention already directed on the book that was laying on her lap.

"Uhu," Valentine mumbled, not taking her eyes off the book.
She was reading a new book she had gotten from Tyler when he came back.
It was a reward for her since she behaved while he was gone.

Valentine had hesitated as she gently took the book from Tyler, reading the title softly.
"Mother of demons," she read , looking up at Tyler with a glacial expression.
Though, it was slapped off the second he had noticed the way she looked at him.

With the force of his hand, Valentine's face snapped to the left direction. A few strands of her strawberry blonde hair clinging to her stinging cheek.
She stayed like that for a few seconds before she hesitatingly looked back up at him.

"I don't ever want to see that expression on your face, if I do; I will cut your lips  so you're always smiling. No matter what." Tyler said, his brown eyes glaring at Valentine like she was a piece of gum stuck to his shoe. "You know I will, with no hesitation," he added.

Valentine closed her eyes for a second, fantasizing she was back at Kenji's and River's place. Kenji and her in the kitchen, making dinner for tonight. They joked around, their faces stuck in a wide,happy expression.
Valentine looked back up at Tyler, thinking about Kenji's happiness. The smile that graced on her face was pure, from just thinking about the man of her dreams. The one man she couldn't get.

"That's more like it," Tyler said, his brown eyes boring into hers as he inspected her face. "Practice that expression, I want to see it on our wedding day."

Valentine's face immediately went sour as the man turned around, leaving her behind. Something she wished he would do forever.

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