Chapter seventeen

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The sun was nearly overhead when Valentine finally woke up, a heavy pressure on her bladder indicating that she needed to go to the bathroom

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The sun was nearly overhead when Valentine finally woke up, a heavy pressure on her bladder indicating that she needed to go to the bathroom. She tried to sit up, her hands supporting her stomach as she did so. Her eyes were still half-closed, and she looked at the closed door with a tired expression on her face. "Bathroom," she muttered quietly to herself, her voice low and exhausted. "I need to go to the bathroom. Now."

When she finally reached the bathroom, Valentine locked the door behind her and dropped onto the toilet seat, feeling a sense of relief as she emptied her bladder. The warm fluid released from her body made her sigh silently, feeling a sense of comfort.

She had just made it on time.

The caramel skinned woman looked down at her white panties,  finding herself furrowing her brows as she found them stained with dark red blood.
All of a sudden, Valentine's sides started to feel distressing, making her hold onto them.
She groaned in pain, closing her eyes as she breathed heavily in and out through her nose. She scrunched her face, the aching getting more severe.

There was a splashing sound in the toilet, spooking Valentine who had forgotten the pain had left her body immediately after.
She sat still for a moment before she quickly wiped herself and stood up.
The woman looked down in the toilet, staring at the tomato sized blood clot that sat in the middle of the toilet.
It took some time before slowly a grin broke out on Valentine's face. She did it.
She didn't sob or wail.

"It had to be done," Valentine made sure to softly whisper to herself before she quickly flushed the toilet. She didn't know if she was talking to herself or the fetus she flushed. Maybe it was for both of them.
She then turned on the shower, jumping in it with her panties to hide the evidence.

"Wake up sleepyhe–what the fuck?" Hunter opened the door to Ralf's room, not expecting to witness Ashley in bed with him.

"So," the blond guard slammed the door closed with a dirty smirk, leaving the undressed guards to wake up by the mere sound.

"Who got fucked by who?" Hunter leaned his strong body on the wall, his biceps showing through the black, long sleeved shirt he was wearing.

"Wha-?" Ralf drowsily turned to Hunter who nodded behind at him.
The man then looked behind to him, laying his eyes on Ashley who was slowly beginning to wake up.

"I thought it was just a dry dream," Ralf sleepily chuckled, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
The man looked back at Hunter, wanting to punch the dirty grin off his face.
It wasn't anything like that.

Ralf  heard rustling next to him, and before he knew it, the comfortable sheets that kept his body warm got ripped off of him by none other than Ashley.

"Isn't it a courtesy to not steal the sheets of a sleeping man?" Ashley growled, glaring at Ralf who held up his hands.

"Don't look at me. You dropped dead on my bed last night and had the balls to leave your ass in the air, like you wanted me to do something." Ralf quickly stood up, avoiding the fist on time that was coming his way.

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