Chapter ten

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"I think there's leftover strawberry cake in the refrigerator," was the first thing that left Kenji's lips as the three walked in the apartment

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"I think there's leftover strawberry cake in the refrigerator," was the first thing that left Kenji's lips as the three walked in the apartment.

The man dashed to the kitchen, pulling the cake out the refrigerator  with a grin.

Valentine closed the door behind her, she noticed River was still standing in the living room with her. Her mind  involuntarily wandered back to the fight.
The way River didn't even hesitate to tear his opponent arm.
He could definitely tear a limb here and there on Valentine's body.
Valentine shivered at that thought, striding to the guest room to freshen herself up in hopes of forgetting what even happened tonight. Which was most likely not to happen, but it wouldn't hurt to try, right?

Kenji put three plates with the leftover strawberry cake on the table.
"The bigger one is for Valentine," he told River who almost instinctively went for the bigger piece of cake.

River grumbled under his breath, picking another piece.

"I think she needs it more than us," Kenji said, sitting down next to River. He put his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.
Kenji sighed. "Do you think tonight scared her?" He dared to ask.
The asian man moved his head so he could stare into his boyfriend's green eyes.

"I don't know," River answered honestly, staring back into Kenji's brown eyes.

"You would protect her for me, wouldn't you?" Kenji asked River who nodded without even having to think about it.

"You're my biggest weakness," River sighed. "I would follow you to the end of the world. "

Kenji gummy smiled at his boyfriend words. "You would do that for me?" He asked.
He didn't needed to question it but it was nice hearing what you wanted to hear. He didn't need to ask River to protect his friend, but he would do that for him.

"Darling, for you I'd do anything your heart desires," River said with no hesitation lingering in his voice. Their faces came closer like they were magnets.
The urge to become more closer than they already were was strong.
Their breathes mingled with each other.
River's breath smelled of a mix between cigarettes and vanilla meanwhile Kenji's breath smelled like the strawberry he stole of the cake.

Dimples appeared in River's cheeks as Kenji's strawberry breath hit him. He pushed his head forward, connecting his lips with Kenji's soft lips. They created the perfect taste mix of cigarettes, mint and strawberry.

Kenji felt River's tongue slip in his mouth, fighting for dominance with his own. Like they were starving for each other's lips, they kept at it, forgetting the world around them.

"I.. I'm going to see where Valentine has run of to," Kenji broke the kiss, but he stayed close that he was murmuring in River's mouth.

Kenji leaned his head backwards, teasing River as he still had his lips puckered, needing more of his addiction. It has always been like that. He could never get enough of Kenji.

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