Chapter thirty-six

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Kenji was hunched over his chair, his mouth moving quickly as he angrily mumbled to himself.
The man was evidently agitated, and his salad was becoming the target of his frustration.

His brown eyes were quickly pulled away from his food when he heard the commotion outside- his frown becoming more intense with every glance outside.

The staff was working hard, creating a beautiful outdoors area for an upcoming event.

Flowers and various decorations were scattered around the area, bringing a colorful, vibrant atmosphere to the space.
The expensive table and chairs were being carried carefully, adding the last touches before it was fully completed.

The whole space was alive, buzzing with activity as the staff ran from one end of the yard to another to ensure everything was ready in time.

"I'll be dammed," Kenji muttered to himself, his glare getting more intense as he saw Valentine walking in there.
She seemed to look excited around her while one hand was caressing her swollen stomach. She wasn't embarrassed to show off her bump anymore by the looks of the long sage green dress she was wearing. It showed every curve of her body.

As if she knew she was being watched, Valentine looked up at the window Kenji was residing.

The man didn't flinch though, he stood tall and strong, looking down at Valentine.

Valentine hesitated before she waved softly at Kenji, feeling silly as he didn't move a muscle from where he was standing. She lowered her hand quickly in embarrassment walking away from the spot.

Kenji walked away from the window. He was not even hungry anymore.

He walked out his room, planning to find River. They hadn't had a normal conversation yet. And he wanted to talk. To be sure at where they were standing.

With a sense of purpose and determination, Kenji headed toward the office door he observed River going into several times.
As expected, he was confronted by two guards aho were armed with long swords that prevented him from reaching the door.

Kenji sighed, looking up annoyed as he could ever be.

"The master of the house has asked not to be disturbed at this hour," one of the guards spoke in a sharp tone.


Kenji called out to his boyfriend, his tone full of hope and desperation as he hoped the love of his life would hear his voice.
He wouldn't let two strangers tell him if he could or couldn't see his boyfriend.

"Please leave or I'll have to escort you back to your room."

"I will not leave," Kenji shot back at the guard, his left eye twitching in annoyance.

"If you won't listen, we will be forced to use force."

The guard's threat was quickly met by Kenji's anger as he removed his shoe and flung it towards the guard.
However, his aim was off, and the shoe missed, instead hitting the door.

Well.. he would've hit the door if it hadn't been opened by River; who had come to see what the commotion outside was all about.

'Tsk, tsk..'

River clicked his tongue in disapproval, inspecting the shoe that Kenji had thrown in his direction. He remained calm as his chartreuse eyes found Kenji's brown eyes.

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