Chapter Twenty Eight

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Kenji leaned with his head against the cold window of the driving car

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Kenji leaned with his head against the cold window of the driving car. He could remember the day he met River as if it was yesterday. What he wouldn't do to go back to those old days and cherish them more.

The small Asian man's closed his eyes, mustering all the courage to open the door in front of him. "I can do it," he encouraged himself. "I have to do it. " I'm here just to pay off my debts, he thought.

Kenji took a deep breath, opening the door.
"Hello..?" He called out quietly. But he was quickly taken by surprise.

In the middle of the gym, in the boxing ring were two men sparring. But, instead of at a nice steady flow.
It was.. horrifying. Even though, both men were wearing heavily padded boxing gloves, there came blood spewing from the guy in front of the muscular man.

They were both muscular. But Kenji could tell from just one look that the other man was build better. His heavy muscles were popping out of his shirt. Even the track trainers he wore showed off his incredible muscular legs.

Kenji couldn't help but watch with mouth agape at how the man's muscles flexed every time he struck a punch fiercely. How his eyes were only focused on the man who couldn't even let out a hit. Red blood started to come out the opponents nose. But, he didn't stop. It was like he was in a trance. He kept throwing hit after hit.

"Enough! Enough!" One of the coaches yelled out. But it didn't help. The man didn't stop. He didn't even slow down his pace.

"River! Get a fuckin' hold of yourself!"

The three other men who were training ran their direction, grabbing the muscular man apart from his opponent. They held him back as the others walked up to the other guy who lied curled on his stomach.

"You okay?" One of the men asked, helping the man sit up. "Erggh," was the only only thing the man could get out. He touched his head, flinching as he felt a new fresh wound.

"Let's freshen you up, brother," the man sighed, helping the lost opponent up and to the office.

"What's wrong with you?!" One of the men who had let go of River spoke angrily. "Free sparring doesn't mean you should actually try to kill him!"

"Little shit wanted to spar, so I sparred. I don't see the issue," River shrugged the other man off of him.
He got out the ring, his intense chartreuse eyes immediately connecting with Kenji's soft brown orbs.

"Who are you?" He asked, narrowing his eyes. He didn't recognize the man smaller than him. He took off his gloves, inspecting the Asian man. He looked too small to even be fighting here.

As the man's words left his mouth, other peoples gaze shifted to Kenji who looked down for a moment.  He could barely handle the heat of attention on him.

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