Chapter twenty four

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The night was chilly and the air was brisk, with darkness encroaching and the colder temperatures taking over

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The night was chilly and the air was brisk, with darkness encroaching and the colder temperatures taking over. It was the time of year where breath could be seen on cold air, like a dragon breathing fire, an effect that mesmerized the kids outside, who were acting as either dragons or grownups themselves, some even smoking cigarettes.

People on the streets passed by River's apartment; buried in their warm looking coats and scarves.
The green eyed man looked down on them, smoking a cigarette, blowing it out in the cold air. He wore thin clothes, not bothered by the cold air.
He had a feeling it was going to snow outside sooner than he thought.

The man felt like he was going insane sometimes whenever he missed Kenji. He felt comfortable when his boyfriend was near him, knowing he was safe and sound.
River wanted to give him everything he could get his hands on. And if the day would arrive, he would gladly give his life for his partner.

Love had not been an experience the man had been permitted to pursue during his younger, more sheltered days. His family had been strict, and his father had a vision for his offspring that was devoid of genuine affection. His father only wanted him to marry for money and wealth, with no regard for love or romance.

So, one day River ran away from home, wanting to be the boss of himself and his life. And then he found Kenji.

River found joy in the simplest things when it came to his relationship with Kenji.
Even something as mundane as picking up his boyfriend from the bakery felt like a fun adventure. However, River's presence at the bakery made some of Kenji's coworkers uneasy, to the point where they actively avoided Kenji because of him. After receiving a stern lecture from his boyfriend, he had to promise he wouldn't approach the bakery again.

River's phone buzzed with a notification, prompting him to reach it from his back pocket and read the incoming messages. He quickly opened the texts from Ralf, his blood instantly boiling with fury upon witnessing what he saw. His cigarette dropped from his grasp, falling towards the cold city streets below.


River ignored the person cursing as the cigarette dropped on them.

An intense rush of anger overcame River, prompting him to hastily return to the interior of the building, clutching his mobile phone with such force that he was close to breaking it. Ralf's text contained images that froze him with rage.
They were photos of Carlos, his lifeless corpse. Additionally, there were more pictures, ones of other victims, cold and lifeless in a house that had been turned into a murder scene.

"Fuck! " River yelled, his rage boiling over as he slammed his fist down on the dinner table. The force of his blow was enough to cause a crack in the furniture.
He let out a string of curses.

How could this have happened? He had been so careful, too.

With rage bubbling up inside of him, River turned his anger upon the furniture, viciously attacking it with his fists.
He punched the table until his knuckles bled and kicked the chairs across the room.

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