Chapter Thirty two

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".. Excuse me?" Valentine let out a shaky breath.

"Oh, please don't tell me no one told you." Eden took a sip of his red wine, washing away the food he just ate.

"Told me what?"

"Told her what?"

Valentine and Kenji asked at the same time. They turned their head to each other in sync, before looking away quickly; avoiding eye contact.

"About you, your origins," Eve softly spoke, her smile never faltering.

"I-I don't understand," Valentine answered back. "I grew up as a orphan. I don't have any family. Never had." The pregnant woman didn't felt anything when she said it. She didn't had family as long as she could remember.
Though, something came to mind. It was something Salvatore had confirmed with her. About her family.

"Hmm," Eden frowned. He pondered for a second before calling over his butler.

"Sylvester, please bring River to the table," he threw a look at Valentines. "With his chains cuffed, please."
"We all know that boy's temper," the man chuckled silently to himself.

If I'm going to die today, I might as well finish this steak, Valentine sliced her steak, making the long table shake a bit at the pregnant woman's movements.

It made the man of the house quirk up an eyebrow.
He glanced at Kenji, watching as the Asian man just looked confused back before he sighed. He snatched the plate of Valentine who immediately looked up.


"What kind of man would I be? To watch a lady struggle to cut up her steak." The man skillfully cut up the steak, handing the pregnant woman her plate back as soon as he finished.

"..Thank you," Valentine softly thanked him.

Sylvester, the butler walked up front to the dining room. Behind him were two guards walking close to River.
One in front of him and one behind.

"River!" Kenji stood abruptly from his seat, the chair falling backwards.

"Oh, oop," the man immediately awkwardly grabbed his chair, sitting back in it it, feeling quite embarrassed.

"I'm glad you could make it, son," Eden gestured the seat next to Valentine, making her the middle man between Kenji and River.

The chains that were attached to river's hands and feet made dangling sounds as he moved silently,  permanent scowl plastered on his face.
The man sat down in the chair.

"Why am I here?" River said in a gruff voice. He snatched the plate away from Valentine. He immediately started to chomp his food down.

Valentine watched, clenching her fist. She had never had eaten such fine meals before. She shook her head. River needed it more he had been longer without food.

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