Chapter two

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People think that a rabid dog suddenly goes mad

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People think that a rabid dog suddenly goes mad. But they don't.

The first stage is subtle changes in behavior, they get restless.

The second stage is furious. They attack on anything that moves.

No matter how big or strong the dog is, it will succumb. There will nothing left over from the cute cuddly dog.

That's how it went with Tyler.

He wasn't the guy that would hurt his girlfriend intentionally.
He used to be so sweet. Bringing flowers everyday, kissing her cheek and making her feel pretty.

When he and Valentine had their first fight he lashed out.
Valentine had raised her voice for the first time at him.
She couldn't even remember what their fight was about.
But she remembered the look in his eyes as he slapped her cheek with such a force her head stayed like that; slightly turned.
She remembered thinking if he really slapped her.

He had.

Like a switch, he told her he was sorry and tears came in to play.
Valentine thought he really was sorry but she guessed he didn't. More fights happened often, resulting in her getting the rough hand from him.

She tried to stay out of the way. Tried to play along and tell him he's right just so he wouldn't touch her.

All she could do was forgive but not forget. She had no one besides him. He made sure of it. She only had one friend.

Valentine smiled at her friend Jackie, noticing her when she got out of her blue jeep.
She needed to talk to her. To someone who could give her advise on what to do. How she could stop this.

Jackie was one of Valentines friends who was so pretty it hurts looking at her. The woman flipped her shoulder length brown hair with blonde highlights running through them.

Her brown eyes locked into Valentine's ones.
Even though hers were much lighter and still had this playful twinkle in it.
Her face was mesmerizing, she applied clear lipgloss on her lips, rubbing them against each other as she walked, giving a playful wink at the group of men that walked past her; thinking she hadn't noticed them checking her out. She wore a simple black sweater matching it with dark jeans and black boots she got at the thrift shop Valentine worked at.

Jackie walked into the library, immediately walking over to Valentine, hugging her friend as a greet. "Hey, how have you been?" She asked softly.

Like a automatic robot, Valentine wanted to say she was alright but that would be a lie. She was close to having a mental breakdown. She needed to let it out. For once in her lifetime she would get selfish and let the world revolve around her cause she needed to talk to sometime. To a friend.

"Not good," she finally spoke. For the first time in her whole life she told someone she was not okay. And she felt slightly better, letting it out.

She told Jackie what happened the previous night.

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