Chapter four

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Kenji shook his head, touching his boyfriend's shoulder

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Kenji shook his head, touching his boyfriend's shoulder. "She can't come with," he told him. "She had a traumatic experience with him. How do you think she will feel when she sees him again?"

Even though, Valentine didn't object to going to her and Tyler's house, Kenji knew she was afraid of going back. That's why she came to him.

"I'll be back soon." River's deep voice made it impossible to not shiver.

Valentine fiddled with her hands. She bit her lower lip nervously, looking at the couple. She didn't want to be the cause of their fight.

Maybe it was a bad idea to come here, she suddenly thought. She felt like such a burden. If she wasn't there, they wouldn't be having this conversation. She definitely didn't wanted to make Kenji's boyfriend mad.


Hearing her name, her head snapped up to Kenji.

"Sit your butt back on the couch," he said, pointing to said couch.

Valentine couldn't help but let her eyes wander to River's, finding him looking at her, too. He nodded stiffly, making her plant her butt on the couch.

"We are staying here," Kenji said, kissing River's cheek before he walked to the couch, sitting next to Valentine, smiling softly at her.
"If you want to go, go. But leave us outside of it. We are not packed with muscles like you," he huffed.

River didn't say anything, walking out of the door. "Big grumpy cat," Kenji mumbled, his eyes focused on the blanket he draped around Valentine who unsure my snuggled into the warmth.

"W-What's he going to do?" Valentine asked.

Kenji spared her a glance. "He's going to get your stuff back," he said, his eyes softened, watching her fiddle again with her fingers.

He then recognized it as a nervous trait she had. "Hey," he said. "He's gonna be alright. He probably will have blast over there," he chuckled. "He's really strong, " he bragged to Valentine. His eyes glazing over, playing back memories.

Kenji shook his head, laughing awkwardly. Like he hadn't dazed off, thinking about his boyfriend. "I can't find anyhting to watch," he then complained, putting the remote on the little table. "Do you want to go to bed? Or stay up late?"

To be honest, Valentine felt like a wreck, but looking over at Kenji; who was defiantly full of energy and not sleepy.  She then shook her head, her strawberry blonde hair moving along with her when she did so.

"Uhm, can we watch ladybug?" she asked, her eyes glancing at Kenji before she moved them to her hands.

Kenji grabbed the remote, smiling up at her. Then, his eyes comically widening. He stood up, swiftly. "I forgot to make dinner," he said walking to the kitchen.

Valentine followed him like a lost puppy. "Do you need help?" She asked softly.

Kenji, who was grabbing ingredients for garlic spaghetti turned around. "No thank you,"Kenji said. "It's quicker if I do it by myself."

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