Chapter Twenty Seven

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The two bullets Eden Caine fired from the gun after each other, flew at great speed through the room

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The two bullets Eden Caine fired from the gun after each other, flew at great speed through the room.

Valentine's breath hitched, her eyes wide as tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn't do anything except watch it play out.

River struggled against his brothers who were holding him back from going after the bullets.

Much to the pairs surprise, the bullets didn't hit Kenji. It barely grazed him. The bullets hit the two men holding Kenji tightly in a grip. It hit them right between their eyes. Their eyes widened in shock, blood dripping down from the wound before they fell to the floor. Life lost in mere seconds.

And that's how hell broke loose.

Like it was a part of their plan.
The Caine family starting  attacked the men in black with their blades, knives, arrows and guns.
It wasn't a fair fight to begin with. The men were destined to lose against them who have fought in battles their whole lives. Everyone in the room was doing everything they could to come out alive.

A blonde Caine girl who had her hair up in one braid, grabbed Kenji who stood still in shock. He had just come back to reality. The first thing he saw were bullets being fired at him. If he were to come out alive, the first thing he would do was go see a therapist.

Two men stood in front of her pointing their guns at her, hatred imprinted in their eyes. But, the girl was quick. She stabbed them both with her poisoned blades. The men dropped to the ground, not being able to move.
The girl grabbed Kenji, pushing him away. "Run!" She told him before she stopped the other men who wanted to go after their target.

Kenji ran, locking eyes with Valentine who was being dragged away from Ralf who joined fighting against whoever tried to run after Valentine and who Kenji could only assume to be a member of the Caine family. Kenji after Valentine, barely noticing the Caine family brutally killing anyone who as much came near him. He finally left the blood bath and into the hall.
They were already gone.

The Asian man ran outside, catching a glimpse of the pregnant woman. As if his life depended on it, he ran at an incredible speed towards them, screaming her name.

Valentine stilled, looking back in time to see Kenji running towards her. "Kenji," she breathed out. She wanted to stay, she really did. To see everyone who she cared about was safe. But, she was forced to leave. To protect her unborn child and herself.
"It's Kenji!" She looked at the man who was part of the Caine family. The man merely looked at the man who was already heaving and out of breath before he reached them, then back at Valentine.
They were standing in front of a black Rezvani TANK. The door was already open.

"I take it he'll join us?" The man grumbled.

"Of course! I'm not leaving without him," Valentine immediately said.

As Kenji reached them, he embraced Valentine tightly who had her arms opened wide for him. He pulled her close as much as he could, afraid he would lose her again.

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