Chapter Thirty seven

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The clock had just struck midnight when a horrifying event took place in the chambers Valentine slept in.

The  heavily pregnant lady lied sleeping in her dark, gloomy room, writhing uncomfortably in the large bed.
It was a large heaven bed. The sheets and blanket atop it a pure white.
The fabric was delicate and soft, the texture and color of it akin to angel's wings and clouds. Beneath the bed lied a thick carpet, it's lush thickness providing a soft cushion under each step. White sheer curtains hung from the bed, created a safe space for the pregnant woman.

Valentine was tossing and turning her head from side to side, whimpering softly with fear.
Tiny beads of sweat traced her forehead, trailing down her face like an army marching.
Her breath was getting more tense in the locked and dark room where she resided alone in the night.

"No, no please," Valentine begged to herself, unbeknownst someone had gotten in the room.

The intruder was dressed in tight, black clothing that made them blend into the darkness of the room.
Their face was hidden, and their hands were gripping the long blade of a sword tightly, pointing it at the pregnant woman lying on the bed.

The sudden gust of wind kicked the dark curtains -by the windows of the balcony- into a frantic and chaotic dance, their edges whipping at the air.

The intruder had managed to slip in through the balcony unnoticed, sneaking into the chamber unseen.

Valentine gasped all of a sudden for air. It was like she couldn't breathe.
It was like the nightmare she was in was real.
Well, that was what she thought until she looked directly at a person standing by the bed.

"R-River?" Valentine asked, feeling rather unsure as her voice was laced with the slumber she was in just a while ago.
With one hand she rubbed her eyes. As her other hand reached for her glasses that she had placed on the nightstand.
Valentine adjusted the glasses on her nose, looking up at the person in front of her.

The pregnant woman let out a loud gasp of fear, even more so when she saw the sword being pointed at her, at her stomach.

Trying to dodge it, valentine started to roll out of bed, almost barely missing the tip of the sword the unknown person tried to stab her with.

As they pulled it out of the bed, Valentine started to scream for help, running ro the door. She tried to open it with all her strength, pounding on the heavy wooden door and screaming for help. But, it was locked.

Just on time, Valentine moved away from the door, but sad to say, a piece of her hair didn't as it got chopped off.

The intruder grunted as they got the sword out of the door, closing in on Valentine who was pleading for her life.

Tears streamed down her face, thinking she'll die after almost getting her own happy ending.

"Please!" Valentine pleaded. "You need money? I have money! I'll give you everything you want!" The brown skinned woman yelled out.
And even though, she was pleading for her life, Valentine's mind ran to the day River showed her where he hid his own armaments.

For a split second, Valentine's eye caught glimpse of the wall sconce. She knew what was inside it could buy her more time. She was sure by now people had awoken by her screams.

So, Valentine threw anything at the intruder that was in sight. She threw shoes, books, a plant pot, and even the old ancient vase sitting on the cabinet.
Valentine then scrambled to where the wall sconce was.

The intruder growled under their breath, yanking Valentine back by her strawberry blonde curls with great strength, they threw her over their back; watching as Valentine rolled on the floor, protecting her stomach.

Valentine quickly moved, avoiding the heavy stomp that was meant for her head, instead swerving to grab the intruders leg before biting down hard, her sharp teeth cutting into the flesh of their ankle.

The intruder grunted in pain, a kick landing in Valentine's face; sending the pregnant woman back to the floor.
The intruder grabbed their sword they had dropped, holding it above Valentine, swinging it directly at her.

And for maybe in forever, Valentine found a new strength, as her hand stretched out like a reflex as she gripped the sword aimed at her. She winced, her grip on the sword tightening nonetheless as the intruder tried to draw back their sword. She ignored the stinging from the heavy blood dripping on the floor.

"I have went to hell and back," Valentine grunted, standing up, not letting go. 
"I'm not ready to die now."

The chamber's door flung open wide, leaving its hinges, leaving the two to snap their head to the intruder.

"River!" Valentine gasped out.
She let out a wince as the intruder drew back their sword from her hand the second she loosened her grip, leaving a open gash inside her hand to her palm.

River's eyes flashed with anger as he saw the scene, his lips curling up on in a growl that made him sound almost feral.
Without even so much as a blink, River charged forward.
He moved with the grace and swiftness of a predator, his instincts driving him forward with little hesitation.
River dodged the sword swung on him, dislocating the wrist of the intruder.

Before they could do anything, he delivered a heavy blow to the face. Over and over again.
River dodged the swing the intruder threw at him, grabbing the intruder by the neck and throwing them against the wall.

"Who sent you?" He growled, before deciding to get the mask off the intruder, revealing a woman beneath it.

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