Chapter three

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River Angel was really no Angel

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River Angel was really no Angel. Or that's what he rather thought. The man with dark brown hair was standing in the middle of the ring, his fist flying past his opponent who had just by his luck ducked. He gritted his teeth. He kicked his leg with force into the other man's hip, making him groan out of pain, grabbing his hurt side out of reflex before he realized that it was a mistake he would regret, forever.

His opponent was a 6'2 feet tall guy from Ireland. He had short dirty blond hair that made him look like a tough man. He was sporting a black eye that was swelling up slowly and a ugly busted lip that asked for attention.
His eyes were narrowed at Angel.

His name was Charles.

Angel didn't know the guy personally. Both men were into underground's fights. Which wasn't actually legal. The underground's fights were mostly held on private property to skirt the law. Most of the fights were funded by some crazy rich people who loved to pay to see people beating each other up, ruining them, maybe even permanent. There were no rounds, no referee in the ring. You step into the ring with the other guy/woman and try to beat the shit out of each other until you can't no more.

Sometimes even weapons were allowed but River didn't do that shit. He liked it raw. It got his anger pumped.

No protection was given. If someone died they were left somewhere, without anyone taking any responsibility.

Charles needed the money for his dying sister, he could only see her disappointed look if he didn't had the money they so badly needed. Her thin face staring at him, not saying a word. Her sunken blue eyes watching his every move.
He knew she was dying, she did too. He promised her she was gonna be healthy again. That he would fix things. Never in a million years would he have thought that he would lose in a fight. He had always thought he was a pretty good fighter back in his high school years.

River needed the money to pay the months rent. He didn't know Charles situation, didn't also bother to ask. They were just both strangers from each other.
That's how it went with these fights.

The people behind him started yowling and booing. But it didn't distract River one tiny bit. He was in his war zone. The longer strands of  his dark brown hair were covered in sweat. He shook his head, letting the drips fall onto Charles who didn't even flinch. Before the Irish man could do something, he felt Angel's rough hands taking a hold of his head, bringing him close to his own before throwing his head back and forth with a force knocking him out cold when his head made contact with Charles'.

The sickening sound of his nose breaking was heard, leaving the audience hot as they began to get ballistic. There were people in the room that had made bets. If you listened closely, you could hear curses leaving the loser as the winners were yowling because they had won the exciting bet.

Angel took a step back, watching as Charles fell down with a thud. The adrenaline was still going through his system. He watched the man's chest going up and down.

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