Chapter twenty three

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⚠️ triggering rape scene in this chapter, please go on to the next chapter (if updated) if you know you can't handle it. ⚠️

As the sky darkened outside, so did Valentine's expression

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As the sky darkened outside, so did Valentine's expression.
She, in no way was excited about seeing Tyler's face. She had a fair idea of what the man was planning. She would be more surprised if he hadn't planned a punishment; the way she had been acting to him.

So, the pregnant woman had chosen to wear grey pajama pants. They were long and wide. Her shirt were also the same.
Long and wide; her body swimming in the clothes. Everything to not arouse an easily angered male.
Valentine wasn't exactly in the mood to open her legs for him. She wondered how he was so persistent if he had another woman in the same house. If he was so horny, he could go to the other.

Valentine's eyes drifted away from Ralf and back to the book she had been reading. It was a dull volume, failing to hold her interest in the slightest. She found herself at a loss for how to fill her time, forced to endure the boredom that the monotonous book provided.

The bedroom door creaked open.
Valentine's eyes snapped to the door, feeling quite spooked.
As predicted, Tyler stepped through the door.
Blood spatters decorating his face.

It made Valentine's breath hitch in her throat. Her eyes almost gauged out at that sight. He looked more.. terrifying. She silently wondered whose blood he was wearing on his face.

Tyler walked towards the bed. He chose to sit closely to Valentine who recoiled as soon as he stuck his hand out.

It made Tyler frown, his hand lingering in the air for a second before he stroked her long strawberry blonde curls.
He twirled a curl around his finger, watching it bounce back in place. "Your hair has always been my favorite," Tyler started.

"Even though I want to fuck you so bad.. I'm tired right now."

Valentine never knew she would be glad to hear that sentence out of Tyler's mouth. Or at least, she thought so.

"So, I brought my little friend who will in my stead." He clicked his hands, before clasping them together as he waited for Valentine's reaction as soon as the bedroom door swung open again.

Ashley looked a bit confused as he walked in the room. He had been standing outside the bedroom per Tyler's orders. He watched the scene in front of him, not having a clue what was going on.

"Close the door behind you," Tyler demanded the guard.

Ashley immediately did as told, clasping his hands behind his back after as he stood there, waiting for another command.

"Come here," Tyler gestured to the bodyguard.

Ashley did as told.

It took a bit longer for Valentine to process what was actually going on.

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