Chapter Thirty three

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Valentine's breath hitched

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Valentine's breath hitched. Slowly, the pregnant woman sauntered slowly over to River. Her eyes trying to maintain eye contact with the man. But, it was always thrilling to see River's bare and muscled chest.
Her eyes wandered to his broad shoulders, biting her bottom lip. You could clearly see the splits between his muscles.
The man had quite a masculine physique. She had never seen or touched muscles like his before.

Having her mind elsewhere, the pregnant woman didn't watch her footings.
Valentine's arm's flailed in the air, trying to balance herself so she wouldn't slip on the hard and slippery tiles.

Like he was a knight in shining armor, River quickly emerged from the water.
He moved quickly to Valentine, catching her just on time as the tip of her nose softly touched the floor.

"Watch yourself," River's voice purred in Valentine's ear. He carried her in bridal style to the edge of the bath. River seated her there, letting himself walk back in the warm water.

"Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself."

A small squeak left Valentine's mouth when River lowered her legs in the warm water. She softly moaned at the warm water touching her bare skin.

River stood between her thighs, looking down at Valentine. "I think you know what I want," his voice sounded husky as he talked.

Valentine's breath hitched. Multiples scenarios playing through her head.  And none of them were innocent..
The pregnant woman had been feeling quite horny lately. Maybe it was because she was pregnant. But her needs had gotten higher.

"River.." Valentine breathed softly.
She felt River's hand slowly untying the knot of her robe.
She mustered all her self control together  to stop his hands.
But.. she didn't had any.
Valentine felt the soft breeze of the air on her naked body. It made her feel so giddy from the inside.

A touch so light, Valentine had barely noticed it.
But, she did. She felt River's hands caressing her hips curiously before they traveled to her swollen stomach. His hands caressing her stomach.

It made Valentine sigh out in content.
But after a bit the pregnant woman didn't felt so patient anymore.
So, Valentine grabbed rivers hand. She lead him to her downstairs area.
The man immediately looked up, quirking a dark eyebrow at the woman sitting in from him.

"What are you doing?" River asked with a throaty voice. He clenched his jaw, looking up at Valentine.

"Oh! I-uhm.. I thought.." Valentine stammered, she felt herself heating up. She looked away from River's stare. Him looking at her like that made her even more flustered.
She had misunderstood his actions. Feeling rather embarrassed of herself, Valentine tried to scramble up.

River stopped Valentine, one hand holding her in place. "You thought?" He trailed off, waiting for her to pick up the sentence.

Valentine clenched her eyes shut. She didn't want to say it. She actually never wanted to mention it until she was on her deathbed.
But she could barely escape. All she could do was obey.

"..I thought you were going to touch me.." valentine looked away, feeling rather awkward. The steak in the bathing chambers didn't help with her being so warm and flushed.

River stared at Valentine, his gaze softening a bit. Ever since he impregnated the woman, he had developed a soft spot for her. No matter how hard he tried to not.
He let go of Valentine's hand.
River never had the chance to touch her stomach, bonding with his child in there. He was too curious, not noticing he may had lead Valentine on. But, seeing her embarrassed like that..

His hands trailed to her thighs, watching her eyes flutter open.

Valentine started to quiver. River's hands were cold. It cooled her skin down. But, at the same time it didn't. He squeezed her thighs, making her moan out behind her closed lips. It's been a while since she could've enjoyed herself like this. But, just as the pregnant woman grabbed River's hand again, feeling impatient; her mind wandered to Kenji.
Kenji who hated her guts for having River's child. Kenji who told her after the baby was born, she had to disappear after giving birth of Kenji's child.

Those thoughts alone made Valentine shake her head more. She couldn't cause him to hate her any more than he already did. So, the black woman pushed River's hand away.

"W-we shouldn't do this," Valentine squeezed her eyes shut, holding in her tears. She wanted this so badly..

"You're the one who wanted it first." River had lowered himself already, standing eye to eye with Valentine's pussy. His eyes looked up at hers between his eyelashes.

Valentine's hips accidentally moved forwards. That one tiny movement made her feel the tip of River's long nose against her.
Valentin took a sharp deep breath, holding back a moan behind her tightly sealed lips.

"Kenji would be furious when he finds out.. I'll find someone else to satisfy me.. it's okay," Valentine tried to reason with River.
But as soon as those words left her mouth, the pregnant woman could feel the air shift around her.
She felt River's hands that were placed on her thighs tighten dangerously.

The man coldly glared at Valentine. His voice was dangerously calm, but his face was anything but calm. It made Valentine shiver, really.

"You'll let someone else other than me touch you." River placed a finger between Valentine swollen lips, pressing them before he moved over to her clit, rubbing it. He watched reaction.
Immediately by touch she crumbled before him in submission.
Valentines legs opened more widely for the man, offering him more access.
Her eyes went cross eyed before they closed in content and her het mouth was open in shock in pleasure.

"I'll gut them like a fish."

Valentine' opened her eyes again. She just caught River sucking on his fingers. One by one.
Never adverting his eyes from Valentine's gaze, looking at her between his eyelashes.

(Shameless self promotion approaching

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(Shameless self promotion approaching.)
If you like my books, please don't forget to check out my new book I uploaded a few days ago!🩷 I always look forward what my readers think of my work!!✨✍🏽

) If you like my books, please don't forget to check out my new book I uploaded a few days ago!🩷 I always look forward what my readers think of my work!!✨✍🏽

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