Chapter nineteen

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"I always wonder what crosses your mind when your eyes meet mine

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"I always wonder what crosses your mind when your eyes meet mine."

Valentine held on to River's waist tightly, the side of her head mushed into his back as she held her eyes closed in fear.
They were on River's black motorcycle, driving in great speed through the road, passing by cars.

Valentine tried to muster up the courage to ask River to slow down, because honestly she was scared she was gonna fly off the motorcycle with the sharp turns River kept making.  But every time she mustered it up, the mad man took sharp turns, forcing Valentine to hold tighter onto River.

River slowed down after a while, under a alley. He looked back at Valentine, nodding at her. He loosened Valentine's grip on him, stepping off the motorcycle before he picked up Valentine who was quite almost shaking like a leaf.

River took off his helmet, his hand going up to go with his fingers through his hair.
Like a duck, Valentine followed his movements, doing the same, leaving the helmet on the motorcycle.

"So," Valentine puckered her lips. "This a goodbye?" She asked, shivering slightly as a gush of wind went through her.

River shrugged in answer, lightning his cigarette up. It wasn't one of the cigarettes Kenji tried to put him on.
He thought they were plain nasty, honestly. But, he smoked them when Kenji was around; it simply made his significant other happy.
The man looked at Valentine, noticing she was looking at him with a unsure expression plastering her face.

"Not yet. Don't forget to place the bugs around the house," River reminded Valentine who nodded.

"A-are you going to tell Kenji what happened bet–between us?"
The words left Valentine's mouth before she could think.

River's head  that looked in the distance, snapped back into her direction. "When it's the right time," the man responded with a sigh.
River looked at Valentine through his eyelashes, making him look even more dangerous than the man already was.

"I always wonder what crosses your mind when your eyes meet mine," Valentine thought to herself, wanting to ask so much with so little time. She knew she had to toughen up, especially around River.

No matter how big or dangerous he was. Valentine's eyes traveled down River's face, feeling herself getting flustered just thinking about the unholy things they had done in the bedroom.
That night, Valentine had found out, she did not only liked to be tied up in the bedroom, but she also liked giving River full control over her body. It felt good, knowing he wasn't going to hurt her, psychically or emotionally. And when he did, it turned into intense pleasure afterwards. It was surely rewarding. Better than Tyler ever had been.

"And when is the rig-" Valentine tried to further ask but got cut off by River.

"You need to go," the man urged her. "I don't give a damn about the other two guards but Ralf. He said Tyler's going to literally kill them by midnight if they do not find you. And I like having alive friends by the way."

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