Chapter eight

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The small blonde woman adjusted her black oval glasses, not losing eye contact with Valentine

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The small blonde woman adjusted her black oval glasses, not losing eye contact with Valentine.
Her green eyes twinkled as she showed a kind smile. She crossed her legs, flattening her pencil skirt with one hand.

"Before we begin I want to say, you don't have to worry about any information leaving this room. Everything is strictly between us," Maze told Valentine who couldn't help but look around the room cautiously.

The brown skinned woman had never went to a therapist.

Maze worked from home though. She had a office in her house she welcomes clients in.

The office the women were situated in was a pleasant environment, with a warm and comforting tone to it that radiated both safety and security.
The walls were the color of brown, painted a dark shade that gave off a comforting feeling of a hug, the floor was made of polished and smooth wooden planks.

Behind Maze's desk was a solid oak bookcase that covered the wall behind her. On the other side of the brown wall were clattered with the therapist's diploma's.

In the corner beneath the window, was a large teddy bear seated peacefully.

Valentine was seated on the soft black couch, not knowing if she had to sit or lay down on her back for the therapy to start.

In front of her was a small table with chocolate cookies and steaming tea. On the other side of the small table sat Maze on her chair, a note book laying in her lap.

"So, tell me about yourself," Maze suggested.

Valentine fiddled with her fingers nervously.
When someone asked that question, she would forget everything about herself. Her head would just go empty before panicking; because what was the proper amount of time to pauze before you'd answer that question.

The fiddling of her fingers didn't go unnoticed by Maze who wrote something down on her note book.

"W-what are you writing?" Valentine then asked instead, her voice laced with curiosity.

"Some observations, it actually helps me more to write it down, so please don't mind me." Maze looked back up, nodding at Valentine. "Please tell me about yourself."

Valentine sighed. Honestly, she didn't know how easy River and Kenji got her to see a therapist. She knew they were expensive. And them telling her she didn't needed to pay for anything made her feel bad. When Kenji dropped her off, he reminded her she had to be back by five pm as he had something planned for them.

Valentine tugged on her green sweater. "Uh.. I'm twenty three, I work at a thrift shop, I like strawberries and-"

"Pardon my interruption," Maze interrupted Valentine.

"But I meant who you are as person. Never mind that, how was your morning on the way here? I heard they told you you were going to see me."

"They?" Valentine asked a bit confused with her head tildted to one side.

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