Chapter sixteen

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Tyler slammed his head against Kenji, hurling a punch to his face before the man could react

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Tyler slammed his head against Kenji, hurling a punch to his face before the man could react. Tyler then proceeded to hold his gun against his throat. "Tell me," he said, smirking, spitting blood on the ground. "Was it worth it? Trying to save a girl who can't be saved. This is her destiny or a curse, whatever you wanna call it."

All Valentine could do was look. Her face was tainted with blood and tears. As was her white wedding dress. It was their wedding day.
Everything went well and quiet and before she knew it, hell broke loose. People started shooting from left to right. People were getting stabbed. And then, she saw his face.


Valentine felt the butterflies in her stomach, wanting to run to him. Tyler had run off to somewhere.

Kenji noticed her, too. He ran up to Valentine, but before he could reach her, he stopped. His mouth agape open in shock as he looked down to the ground. He then looked up at her, blood leaving his mouth.
The Asian man turned swiftly around, his knife in his hand as he swerved at Tyler behind him.
Valentine screamed, tears racing down her face. One after another came. She couldn't stop them. She was weak. She couldn't do anything.

Tyler was going to kill Kenji. And it was her fault. She wouldn't be able to carry that burden. She couldn't tell River that Kenji got killed because of her.

Kenji searched for Valentine with his eyes. "Remember me," he mouthed, his eyes staying focused on her before Tyler pulled the trigger, making it echo through the room. The blood spattered on the floor, decorating the white tiles red. Murdering her true love.

Valentine woke up in cold sweat

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Valentine woke up in cold sweat. Her breath shuddered as she looked around her.

No dead bodies.

No dead Kenji.

She could only smile in relief. It had only been a horrible nightmare. The brown skinned woman looked next to her. Tyler wasn't there anymore. The man stayed out more late, some nights not even returning. Though, she didn't mind. She had the house to herself then. Well, to herself and the guards.

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