Chapter eightteen

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Valentine stood inaudibly in front of the door where it all started

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Valentine stood inaudibly in front of the door where it all started. She couldn't get herself to knock on that door. She felt her heart beating aggressively against her chest. Like it was trying to escape.

The caramel woman took a deep breath. She lifted her hand in the air, intending to knock.

Though, a gasp of air escaped her throat as the door opened, revealing River on the other side.
The man's intense chartreuse eyes bored into Valentine's soft brown eyes.

Valentine's mouth opened before closing it quickly, her eyes scanning River's beat up appearance.
His vigorous body was covered with sweat drops and scratches making it look like he was glistening. Though, he was sporting a purple bruise on his cheekbone. And a bandage was  tightly wrapped around his chest and shoulder. It made Valentine worry what happened to him.

"How long have you been standing here?" The man's deep voice spooked Valentine out her thoughts.

"Oh, I, uhm just got here," Valentine lied, fiddling with her fingers as she looked down on her black vintage platforms.
Above the vintage  platforms, Valentine wore a long and dark low waisted skirt with Above it, she wore a simple white top, wearing a cropped black cardigan above it to keep her warm.

"Really now?" River's deep chuckle made butterflies fly around in Valentine's stomach. It was such a rich sound, she felt giddy, just hearing it, strangely. She always had a thing for deep voices. Maybe, because it felt so long since she had seen him, and Kenji.

"So, you're telling me, it wasn't you who was standing in front of my door for nearly ten minutes?" River lifted a eyebrow, leaning against the door frame, not breaking eye contact as he questioned Valentine who began to stumble on her words.

"Uhm, n-no, I-I don't thin-think so," the poor woman got barely out. She squeezed her hand in a tight fist, wishing she wouldn't had spoke haltingly.

River tilted his head to the side slightly, his hazel-brown hair moving with him as he did so. A mocking expression on his face as he looked down at Valentine with a dangerous glint in his chartreuse eyes. "You're really trying to lie to me?" He asked.

Valentine shook her head innocently.

"Is–is Kenji also here?" The caramel woman asked instead, making River shake his head.
"He's at a friend's," River answered.  "If he'd knew you would be here, he wouldn't have left the place at all," the man with forest green eyes answered without a second thought.

Valentine wondered why he didn't ask how she escaped. Did he knew about it already? He didn't even ask if she was alright.

River let out a deep sigh as his eyes slowly traveled up and down Valentine's body, inspecting her appearance.
"You don't look pregnant," his tone was casual and matter-of-fact.
River  opened the door wider, inviting her in. He then walked towards the kitchen, asking if she would like something to drink.

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