Chapter Thirty four

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Valentine let out a shaky breath, shaking her head rapidly.

"No, Kenji hates me enough as it is."
The pregnant woman pushed River away. She had made up her mind.  She wouldn't be going through with this. It just wasn't right.

"He'll get over it," River growled, closing the space between him and Valentine once more again. With one hand, he grabbed her by her neck. He wasn't too rough with it. But also not too soft. It was just the perfect guidance she needed from him.

And just as Valentine was about to give in, the door of the bathroom chambers was abruptly opened. The lean Asian man walked in, his eyes taking the scenery in before he glared at Valentine who only could cower away from his stare.

The woman with child flinched, discreetly trying to close her bathrobe. She felt greatly embarrassed Kenji had caught them in this position. She felt River's hand leaving her throat.

"Kenji," River's low voice called his boyfriend out, barely feeling bothered that Kenji had interrupted their alone time. He turned to him.

"Get undressed."

Just hearing those words, made Kenji's head whip to River.
"Are you serious?" The lean Asian man asked his boyfriend, making sure he had heard him right. His face showed confusion before he shrugged, not knowing what his boyfriend had in mind.  Kenji looked forward to fucking River in front of Valentine. She would know then that River only liked dick.

"Fine." Kenji threw his shirt immediately over his head. "I'll play along with your games."
He maintained eye contact with River as he undressed himself until the last garment.
A playful smirk started to dance on Kenji's lips, watching River look intensely at the little show he was putting on for him.

Valentine's eye lingered on the black briefs Kenji was wearing. She bit on her nails, impatiently waiting for him to drop them on the floor as he had done with every other garment he had been wearing.

River emerged from the water, walking in long strides towards Kenji who couldn't stop teasing him.

The lean Asian kept moving his hips sensually, his fingers grasping the corners of his briefs as he pulled them down.
Only, Kenji never completely pulled them down. He only pulled them down long enough that he exposed a little bit of skin here and there but that's about it.

River placed himself behind Kenji, his hands exploring his body as if it were his first time touching the man.
His hands lingered on Kenji's briefs. His lips kissed a trail up Kenji's neck.

Kenji smirked at Valentine who was watching them like they were her favorite movie.
He frowned later on, realizing at one point she had been actually enjoying watching them together instead of being jealous like he had hoped for.
Kenji pulled his bottom lip back, ready to chew her out.
Well, that was before River's hand slipped in his briefs.

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