Chapter five

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Valentine Martin's wake-up call was the soft, gentle sound of unfamiliar moaning through the wall

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Valentine Martin's wake-up call was the soft, gentle sound of unfamiliar moaning through the wall. It was an irritating noise that instantly robbed her of a peaceful start to the new day. She sat up in bed, feeling the tense muscles in her face, her fingers kneading and massaging away the tightness that was still lingering from her deep slumber. Straining her ears, she heard the strange moaning sound again, and she couldn't help but feel a sudden jolt of irritation rise up within her as the source of the noise persisted.

"Open that pretty little mouth of yours."

Valentine could hear the husky voice of River. It made her shiver, hearing his voice heavy with seduction.  It made her feel warm inside.

A low, soft whine was then heard from beyond the wall, catching Valentine in a moment of uncomfortable introspection as she quickly realized that she was eavesdropping on two men having sex
Her initial curiosity was soon replaced by a sudden feeling of embarrassment as she realized the intimate nature of the noise.
She knew she wasn't supposed to be eavesdropping on someone else's private moment, but the sounds they were making were too hard to ignore, leaving her to feel like an intruder in their intimate space.

With warm cheeks, Valentine looked around the room, remembering she fell asleep on the couch.
She smiled softly; the last time she had fallen asleep and woke up in her bed was when she was still a child. She noticed her stuff on the floor, close by the window. She stood up walking towards it, barefoot. The strawberry blonde woman tried to ignore the background noises the men were making.

The guest room was nothing extravagant, but it did the job well enough. A small two-person bed sat in the center of the room, adorned with soft gray fluff on its comforter. A cloud-like cotton cover hung above the bed, its soft white sheen drawing Valentine's attention as she reached out instinctively to touch its surface. She pouted with frustration when she realized she couldn't reach the cloud, and she sighed in relief when she realized nobody had saw her embarrassing mistake.

The room didn't had any personality in it, but obviously the person that decorated the room had tried. It didn't meant Valentine didn't like the room, cause in fact she did. It was just, when you step into someone's bed room, you can see their personality on the walls, feel their raw emotions on the bed and smell their drawers. The room she was staying didn't had personality, it didn't tell her anything. It was just a guest room.

Was it okay for her to get out of the bed room?

Valentine found herself in an interesting predicament as the sounds of soft moans emanated from beyond the wall.

The noises were rather off-putting, but she felt as though she had no choice but to leave the room. The young woman moved quickly and silently to the door, gently opening it and slipping out of the room, closing the door behind her with a soft click. She sat herself quietly on the couch, her mind spinning with thoughts of the private intimate acts going on next door. She shook her head, trying to cool off her warm head.

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