chapter fourteen

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Kenji tightened his red silk robe on his body, walking out of the steaming bathroom

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Kenji tightened his red silk robe on his body, walking out of the steaming bathroom.
The slight brush of air passed by his exposed body parts, resulting in Kenji shuddering for a quick second.

The Japanese man looked right inside his shared room with River.
There, he noticed River standing on the balcony, his stance tense.

He was wearing dark low rise jeans, barefoot and his muscular chest on display for the rest of their street.

Kenji's attention went to the old scars that were scattered on his lover's back. Some were faint, others were still easily spotted from where he was standing.

And even though, the scars were old, Kenji's heart squeezed painfully every time he thought about River's childhood. It was something no child deserved.

Kenji could see River clenching his jaw, looking down at his phone.
His boyfriend then proceeded to grab a cigarette out of the package that he fished out from his back pocket.

That's when Kenji stepped in.
His feet softly pattered on the floor as he strolled over to his boyfriend who had just lighted his cigarette.

River swiftly turned around. His chartreuse eyes seized up Kenji who stopped dead in his track.

"It's no fun when I can't surprise you," Kenji pouted, drawing closer to the man. He watched as River took a drag of the cigarette, his lips parting slightly as he effortlessly welcomed the herbed smoke in his lungs.

Kenji felt a strong pull towards his lover's lips, he liked the way it looked when River let the smoke out his lungs. He looked like the most dangerous, yet ethereal demon. And, Kenji was very much into it.

"What's wrong, baby?" Kenji decided to ask, he intertwined their fingers together, looking up at River through his eyelashes.

"First of all these herbal cigarettes, they suck."

Kenji laughed at River's words, while the man stood there, not understanding what was so funny.

"Tobacco cigarettes are bad for you," Kenji explained. "And besides, these herbal cigarettes are better than your tobacco ones. If you feel stressed you can smoke jasmine, it's also great for anxiety or depression," Kenji said, standing on his tiptoes to give River a quick kiss on the cheek. "And also, it smells better," he closed his eyes in bliss.

River scoffed, rolling his eyes.

Kenji had to hold himself for making a snarky comment.
No, he was trying to get answers from River, not make him even feel more upset and close himself off even more.
Kenji couldn't help but felt left out. It was like River was keeping something from him. Maybe he was afraid to say it?
Or, he was waiting for the right moment to tell him, right?

"May I now ask what got you so tense? Is something wrong?" Kenji squeezed in River's hand, wanting him to tell him so he didn't had to carry the burden alone.

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