Chapter One

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A soft touch from the one you love makes your heart flutter and your blood flow faster to your cheeks, creating this thing called blush

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A soft touch from the one you love makes your heart flutter and your blood flow faster to your cheeks, creating this thing called blush.

But what if that soft touch hardens? Do you still feel loved?

Do you stay?

Do you fight?

Or do you run?

Some run, others stay.
It's complicated. You still love them, right?
But you know, deep inside that they aren't meant to be.
That it would never work after the touch hardens. You aren't weak if you're running from that. You're strong.


Because while you knew you loved him, you also knew that you shouldn't ever be treated like that. You don't deserve that.

It was night and Valentine should be asleep on the bed she usually shared with her boyfriend she lived with.

He wasn't home though, making the bed seem bigger and colder. 
She wanted someone to cuddle with at night.
It was almost winter for God sake.
But Valentine didn't complain.

Maybe because she was scared he found her as needy if she told him she wanted to cuddle with him in bed.
She sighed, turning again, trying to find a comfortable spot for her to rest but it never came.

Around three am Valentine heard the front door open.
She yawned, wanting to seem asleep.
Her boyfriend was late home though. If he saw her asleep, would he cuddle with her?

Excitement began to go through her body as she waited for his footsteps by the door of their room. He opened it not so softly, slamming it closed. Valentine heard a lot of rummaging and rustling before she felt the blanket go up, leaving her to shiver, only to have a warm body next to her. She smiled to herself, wanting nothing more but to hug the warmth back.

Valentine felt his fingers stroking her arms up and down. It was nice.
That was until he began to touch her breasts. "No," she mumbled to him, not liking it anymore. She wasn't horny nor in the mood to get horny.

Her boyfriend ignored her, his hand sliding on her hips, before it went to her ass squeezing it. "Tyler," valentine whispered, sleep evident in her voice. "I said no." She pushed him away, making sure to leave space between them as she put her head down on the pillow, blowing a soft sigh.

Tyler, her boyfriend, looked at her, not believing she had pushed him away. He didn't stop though. Determined, he went over again, only this time he took advantage of her facing the pillow.

He held her hands above her as Valentine trashed around, panicking as she could barely move. Valentine felt suffocated.

This can't be happening, she thought by herself.
He never stooped that low before.

Sure, they had their fights, occasionally she had received the rough hand from him whenever she was out of line.
But, she told herself it was normal. That she deserved it. He told her he would never do it again with teary eyes, afraid she was going to leave him. And she believed him.

Over and over again.

But she didn't deserve whatever was going through his head.

Valentine kept trashing around, hoping that would throw him off.

But it didn't.
He was much stronger than she was, more than she would ever be.

Valentine felt her panties being pushed aside.
Then she felt it, the tip at her entrance.
This can't be happening, she thought, tears filling up her eyes.

How could she have let this go so far?

Then she felt him inside her, it was one of the worst feelings as she stopped trashing only to cry silently as she let him finish off inside her.

Valentine heard him groaning and grunting against her, not once checking up on her.

If he did, he knew what a mess he made out of his girlfriend.

She felt her hole burning painfully.
She wasn't wet, making the experience more painful for her than it already was.

After a few minutes Valentine heard him grunting, releasing his seminal fluid inside her before he pulled out and rolled over, closing his eyes and falling asleep like he hadn't just raped his own girlfriend. Like he didn't noticed her sobbing beside him.

The early morning light softly illuminated the room shared by Valentine and Tyler. Despite the brightness of the sun, the temperature of Oakland was still chilly enough to cause their fingertips to tingle. Valentine's fair complexion, framed by her adorable wide nose, was lit up by the sun. Her freckles, a darker shade than her honey-colored skin, added a charming, messy element to the photo. Her strawberry blonde hair shimmered beautifully when the light hit it, creating a golden glow that made her look like a literal spring angel.

Valentine struggled to stifle a soft moan as she sat up suddenly, her body cracking and popping like an old piece of furniture slowly falling apart.

She pulled the blankets away and stretched her arms as far as possible, feeling the pain in her lower body seep in, the pain becoming unbearable. She then placed on her round glasses and took a brief look at herself in the white leaf-decorated mirror. The reflection of her sweet smile seemed so far from the pain and anguish she felt within.

Valentine's steps were gentle and cautious as she moved down the stairs, her soft footsteps barely making a whisper in the still air.

Walking into the kitchen, Valentine immediately noticed an elegant white box with her name on it sitting at the dinner table.

Curiosity won over and Valentine tore open the box quickly, her excitement growing with each passing second as she realized the contents were a beautiful, elegant brown dress. –her heart skipping a beat as–she held the dress up to herself and beheld the luxurious fabric caress her skin.
Her eyes watered, however, as she remembered that this pattern of expensive gifts paired with half-assed letters would continue, and she'd continue to be disappointed time and time again.

 Her eyes watered, however, as she remembered that this pattern of expensive gifts paired with half-assed letters would continue, and she'd continue to be disappointed time and time again

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