Chapter Twenty six

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Kenji watched the situation behind the slit of the door

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Kenji watched the situation behind the slit of the door. Valentine was in danger. He could only hear bits of words. But he was sure none the words exchanged meant good news; he could tell by the looks on their faces.

The Asian man was wearing a bus boy uniform. He had gotten a invitation through the mail. He assumed it to be for River. But, he hadn't seen him. The man hadn't come home. And he couldn't contact him since he broke his phone.

Kenji had thought that maybe, just maybe, he had given up on Valentine. He had never seen him so stressed. It was horrible, seeing his loved one like that.

So, Kenji had gone to the wedding himself, by himself. But, looking around, he knew he was right. River had finally abonded them.

Kenji swallowed the lump that seemed to be stuck in his throat.
He had to be the one to save Valentine; the one that needed to be saved.

Scrawny, petite and shy Kenji. He who never gotten into a fight, mainly because he was skin and bones. The man huffed. He had to come up with a plan. And, quick.

A cold hand grabbed Kenji by the back of his neck, lightly squeezing it.
Before a yelp could leave Kenji's mouth, he got spunned around.

The hand swept over kenji's mouth, silencing him.

Kenji's brown orbs widened in fear. He looked right into the flaming green eyes of River. Spots of gold could be seen widening in anger in his orbs. The man let go of him when he was sure that Kenji wouldn't scream.

".. Isn't it odd I'm immensely horny by this now?" Kenji nervously grinned.

River's pissed off face was staring directly at him. His eyebrows were furrowed, glaring down at his boyfriend.

"Go home. Now." River let go of Kenji. "You shouldn't be here."

Kenji could see a muscle twitching in River's jaw.
"What is the plan?" Kenji asked.

"You arent't apart of it,"River angrily jeered, sweeping his hand through his brown hair in frustration.

"I can, though," Kenji defended himself.

"I'm not about to have this conversation with you, again. Go. Home. "

Kenji huffed. He wasn't about to be desmissed just like that. He could be part of it. He could help him. Just because he didn't had the muscles didn't meant that he also had no brains.

"There is this man here, I think there's going to break a fight out soon," Kenji started.

"That is my father,"River interuppted Kenji.

"It's dangerous for you to be even near him and my family.." River started. "I don't want anything happening to you, you understand that, right? "

Kenji nodded. He felt bad River had to get the help of his family he ran away from. They never could find out about them.
If they did.. Kenji was sure they would torture him until he took his last breath.
River's sister with whom he ran away with; she was nice to him. But, he couldn't imagine how they grew up. He was really curious, but also really scared.

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