Chapter twenty nine

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Hello my Darlings, hope you'll enjoy this chapter 🤍🤍
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Hello my Darlings, hope you'll enjoy this chapter 🤍🤍Please don't forget to vote and comment what you think of this chapter xoxo

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The melody of the birds singing outside the manor woke Valentine slowly up from her deep slumber.
The brown skinned woman took her time stretching before she opened her eyes, looking around her.
The bed she had slept on was truly magical.
It sucked out all her worries and stress, leaving her to actually feel rested for once in a while. That was before there was knocking heard on the door.

"Miss? Are you awake?"

Valentine thought for a second if she should pretend to be asleep.
But, it was too late.
The door opened, revealing a grinning Nita. She walked in the room, opening the humongous blinds that were covering the large bedroom windows. The sight was truly magical.
But, as soon as Nita opened the windows, letting the fresh air in the room; a couple of maids came bustling in.

"Miss," one called out to Valentine's attention.
Valentine turned to the maid, raising a eyebrow in question as she held the bedsheets to her body.

"Your bath is ready."

The pregnant woman didn't let her to be told that twice. She immediately shoved the warm sheets off of her body, turning her body around so she could get out of bed.

"Oh my, let me help." Three maids immediately came forward, shoving each other out of the way as they walked towards the pregnant Valentine.

"It's fine it's fine," Valentine giggled.
"This much I can do myself."
She walked with the maids bustling busy around her as she got guided to the bathroom chambers. The maids opened the chambers door, revealing the most elegant bathroom Valentine had ever seen. It was so breathtaking she wasn't sure if it was real.

The walls were decorated with many statutes and renaissance arts. Valentine whirled around, taking the chambers in. It was like it were straight from a fairytale. Behind the pillars there was an actually space filled with only greenery. The smell of fresh and sweet flowers invaded Valentine's nose.
"Are those real?" She gushed to the maids, already on the move. 

"Yes, Miss," one of the maids hid a giggle with her hand, following Valentine.
"We dry them fresh so it intensifies the smell when you take a bath."

"Can I take a bath with them?" Valentine's eyes grew wide in excitement, looking around once again to see the garden full with lavender, roses, jasmine and gardenia. She bet there were even more but she didn't had the time to carefully look at them all.

The maids lead Valentine back to the enormous bathtub. It stood in the middle of the chambers.

"So does the family come here to take a bath?" Valentine let her curiosity win as she asked the question that kept biting her. "Together?"

The maids giggled once more, helping Valentine out of her clothes. The pregnant woman was feeling rather insecure, feeling vulnerable in front of the clothes maids.

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