The walk back

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Catra POV

        We headed back to the fight zone though the whispering woods after the devastating loss at brighmoon. That won’t happen again. I had Adora and the rebellion right where I wanted them.
        The pain in their eyes as we destroyed them and their home. The look on Adora’s face was the best part. She was on her knees looking at everything knowing she wasn’t strong enough to stop us, until the other princesses showed up. 

         I wish she would come back to the horde but knew that wasn’t going to happen. She was gone. I felt my grip tighten my hands turning into fist by my side, my eyes burning with the tears trying to escape my eyes.

         I quickly reached up and wiped away the tears and smeared the blood that was on my face after the fight with Adora. I wanted to make her pay for making me feel like this, for leaving me alone. Soon enough I would get my revenge on her and on her stupid rebellion, making it slow and painful.

        I felt a pat on my shoulder, It was Scorpia. I hit her hand on my shoulder with a growl turning around to face her. "Don’t touch me what is it?"

        Scorpia jumped and looked down before she answered. "Hang in there wildcat, we will get them next time. We almost had them today." My hands went back into my fist tightening. Scorpa followed my gaze to my fist knowing she made me upset. 

       She was so annoying pretending we were close all the time, like me and someone else. "No I need to make a new plan." I said as I turned back around and started to walk again.

     "There is my wildcat always coming up with new ideas, you work so hard. Maybe you should rest first though."  She said as she smiling as she let out a little laugh. I growled back, not turning around. She was too positive and happy is made me sick.

      "I don’t need to rest, I need to defeat the rebellion once and for all." With that being said we were back in the fright zone. Scorpia walked me to my bunk then before I could go in pulled me into a hug.

        I was too tired to fight her off like I usually do so I just let it happen. As much as I wanted to push her off, It felt nice to seem like I was cared for again. "You did great today wildcat if you need anything don’t be afraid to ask. I am right down the hall, sleep well." letting me go she gave me a smile, I grunted and crossed my arms.

       I then watched as she turned the corner at the end of the hall heading to her room and blushed while walking into my room. I don't know why I blushed at the thought of Scorpia but I did. I laid flat on my bed staring at the ceiling not wanting to look at my wall.
       Which has me and Adora on it when we were little. Now scratched up in my claw marks. I was going to get my revenge but first I was going to go to sleep. Finally after what felt like hours I felt my eyes drift shut and I was out cold.


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