The breakdown

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Catra POV: 

      I woke up today determined to start on the portal to take over all of Etheria and Brightmoon. Finally taking over everything that Adora left me for, get back at her for everything and ruin what she has done. Getting out of bed I headed down the door toward where Adora was.

     Not long down the hall I heard a familiar voice pierce my quiet that surrounded me. "Wildcat wait up!" I rolled my eyes and started to walk fast pretending I didn’t hear her. 

     Then I heard running and a hand on my shoulder stopping me. "Man wildcat your fast." She said as she was leaning down trying to catch her breath. "What do you want, Scropia? I am on my way to get Adora."

   "Yesterday you told me you wanted me to come with you just in case I had to tranquilize her." Oh yeah I did tell her to come with me growling I agreed and she followed me the rest of the way to Adora. It wasnt long until we got there and I walked in with a smile on my face.

    "Hey Adora, how did you sleep?" Laughing as I walked up to her lifting up her chin to look me in the eyes. She looked dead and her eyes once blue a light gray with dark gray bags underneath to match. "Ready to help us out?" 

She looked up at me with anger in her eyes. "You know Catra you're pathetic. I am glad that I left and regret that I didn’t leave you sooner." That hit me hard and it hurt to hear her say that. I stepped back tears in my eyes but I didn’t want her to tell that she got to me. 

So I turned and walked out fast with my arms crossed across my body, hitting a wall as I walked out. Adora was trying to talk to me but I could barely hear her or anything else. "Catra, wait I didn’t mean that. Catra I am sorry."

I didn’t even hear Scropia follow me out. "Catra are you okay? You don’t look so good." I couldn't help it or hole it in any more. I slid down the wall and curled up into a ball. Letting my tears finally escape and at that moment there was no chance of stopping it any time soon. 

Scropia was in shock. She has never seen me cry before. "Hey ummm, okay. It will be okay Catra." Before I knew what I was doing or before she could say anymore I tuned and grabbed a hold of her into a hug.

    She didn’t hug at first, probably confused about what was happening. Not long after though she wrapped me up into her arms hugging back. We just stayed there, It was nice to be cared for in that moment. 

After I was done crying I pushed her off me and blushed turning away from her. From the corner of my eye I could see her smile and blush too. "You wanna go get Adora now, it is okay if you still need time." "No I’m fine let’s go."

Getting up I fixed my hair and stood up straight as I walked back into the room. "Catra, are you okay I am so sorry." "Save it Adora, you meant every word and soon it won’t even matter. Let’s go now."

I could see in her eyes that she felt bad about it but I didn’t care she deserved what was going to happen next. The pity I felt towards Adora is gone now with anger taking it’s place. Soon after we were in Hordak’s lab ready for Entrapta and Hordak to start the next step. 

We got everything that we needed for it now all we needed was Adora. We still have Adora’s sword. I gave Double Trouble a copy of her sword with some old tech we had laying around.  

"Catra you don’t have to do this, I know you are a good person." "Just say it Adora, say the thing you say every time we have this talk. Tell me to go with you and join the Rebellion." Adora went silent, not saying another word after that looking down at the ground. 

"How long until it is ready Entrapta?" "With my calculations It will take approximately 5 hours, maybe more." "Good keep it up I will be back later to check on the progress."

After I walked out hearing Adora behind me "Catra please." Just ignoring it I kept walking with my eyes forward. Before leaving I gave Entrapta another order "Keep an eye on Adora to Entrapta we don’t want anything messing this up.” Then I was gone, walking towards my room and trying to hold myself together.

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