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Catra POV: 

         I am so ready for tonight! Tonight my plan to defeat the alliance and get Adora happens. I have been planning this since even before the attack on brightmoon and now it’s set. 

         It was early this morning probably around 7am, I was up all night because I couldn’t sleep. I heard footsteps in the hall coming to my room, they sounded familiar. Just then I heard the voice, "Catra are you up?" peeking her head through the doorway, It was Scorpia.

       "I brought you some tea and breakfast." As she set it down on my nightstand by my bed. “Did you get any sleep, wildcat you look exhausted.”  I rolled my eyes as I started to make my way out of bed. 

       "Did you get everything set for the plan tonight?" I asked getting up and making my way towards the door. "I did, there starting phase one now. Plenty of time for you to take a nap." As she put her claw on my shoulder turning me around to face her. “Please get some sleep, wildcat.” 

      "How many times do I have to tell you I am fine and not to touch me," hitting her claw of my shoulder. "Scropia," My voice was deep causing her to back away. Her eyes looking at my breakfast and back to me. "Are you going to have any breakfast or tea?" 

      Her voice was shaky as she spoke but not enough to be noticeable. Growling I grabbed the cup and piece of bread as I walked out the door. It was pretty good. I always loved her tea. "What do you think," Her eyes soft as she gave me a smile.

      I grunted giving her a quick smile not saying anything with my eyes straight ahead as I walked. First stop was training to see if they were ready for backup if my plan didn’t work straight away. They looked good so after I made my way over to Hordaks lab to check the map. 

      Anger and excitement ran though my body as the time got closer. I was excited to get revenge but angry at Adora. She did this if she just stayed this wouldn’t be happening. As we would rule all of ethra together since she would have got the princesse alliance back together. 

      I quickly got snapped out of it though when scropia started talking to me again." Are you sure you want to do this tonight, There is still time to change your mind." "What do you mean? This plan is exactly what we need."  "I am just saying this can hurt a lot of people, you and Adora." I put my cup down on the table hard and pushed Scropia against the wall. 

     "You're not allowed to mention that name to me, she is a trader." Quickly noticing I let go blushing with shame and being that close. After this plan the princess alliance would not be able to do anything to stop me. They would be emotionally and physically hurt that we would be able to take over Bright Moon with ease. 

     "That is the point with their defences down we will be able to win." "Oh I see your smart wildcat, just be careful." I turned away so she would see my cheeks sending her out. "Go see if the last preparations are ready."

      With a salute she was out and turning the corner to the training room. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath pushing away my second thoughts. I was ready tonight everything ended, tonight is the start of a new leader. 

      Then I started to laugh, rubbing my hands through my hair. Looking at my plan and map. A big evil smile appeared on my face. 

     "Oh if only you guys knew what was coming your way." As my laugh started to quiet down,  I thought about how much pain they will experience.  There is no way it can equal all the pain they caused me but at least I will be able to come close. 



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