Secret plan

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Scropia POV,

I am still in shock from what happened with Catra. She is the strongest, most beautiful person I know and she never cries. The most shocking thing was her giving me a hug since she hates physical attention. 

It was nice though I was blushing so hard when she did that but she couldn’t see. I hope I was able to help she get hurt pretty bad from what Adora said. I would have been hurt if the person I grew up with did that to me too. 

Soon after what happened she was back to normal more or less. She was still hurt and you could see that but she covered it with the plan and getting back at her. We made our way back to get her and head to Hordak’s lab. 

Catra fought with Adora a bit more and asked Entrapta how long the plan would be then we left heading to her room. "Hey Catra how  are you doing? Is there anything I can do?" "No I am fine, get the soldiers ready there is a part of my plan that I have to tell you." 

She told me she knew that Double Trouble got caught and told him to lead Glimmer and Bow to us to get Adora. When that happens we will send out troops, robots and leave Adora for bait at the end. Then When they fall for it we will jump her and take what she cares for the most, Glimmer and Bow. 

She won’t know until it is to late though and Bow and Glimmer will be too weak to do anything while Adora just watches. "That is a good plan Catra but what are you planing on doing to them?" I saw the evil glaze over eyes as she looked up to me."Something I should have done a long time ago, you will see."

With that she went to her room and I went to get the troops ready filling them in on the plan. I hope Catra isn’t doing what I think she is going to do. She can't be that angry or evil she would never do anything like that. 

After I went to check on Catra and brought her some hot chocolate. "Hey wildcat I wanted to check in on you before I went to bed. I also brought you some hot chocolate."

She just turned over in her bed and faced the other way. So I set the hot chocolate down on her night stand and sat on her bed. "I know you are hurting from today Catra but don’t let that get you down." She then turned back over to me, "It’s not it won’t matter soon, she doesn’t care about me anymore so I don’t care about her either."

"Don’t like yourself, I can see it in your eyes. You're hurt and still care deep down. Adora is right about one thing, you are a good person deep down." 

That made her really angry that she started to yell at me. "Shut up Scropia your voice is annoying and it isn’t helping. Adora is never right, never take her side." I looked down and shut up, I know I hit a nerve. 

Groaning, she sat up and grabbed the hot chocolate and took a drink. "This hot chocolate is pretty good." Which made me smile at her, she doesn't think I noticed but it made her blush. She was so hot but I was too afraid to ask her and tell her how I felt and I know she was too. 

"Well I am going to head to bed. We have a big day tomorrow full of your brilliant plans." Getting up I walked towards the door and gave her one more smile as I left and walked the hall down to my room.

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