The party

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Glimmer POV:

    Adora looked stunning, no words could describe how beautiful she looked. It took my break away just looking at her. I was pretty sure I was blushing a bit and staring at her.

    Adora noticed and waved her hand in front of my face. "Hey earth to Glimmer, you okay?" She asked laughing. "Yeah I am okay sorry, you look really pretty though. There is just one more thing missing."

    Teleporting over to my vanity and grabbed her hair pin from last time and teleported back over putting it in her hair. "They're perfect," I said, backing away to admire my work and the beauty.

    "You look really pretty in your dress to Glimmer." Bow showed up just a few minutes later. "Can I come in?" "Yeah come on in Bow," we said. When Bow walked in, his jaw dropped, "You two look amazing!" "Thanks Bow!"

    "You two ready to get our groove on?" Bow asked as he started to dance. Me and Adora just laughed in agreement and started to follow Bow to the door. Making our way around the corner to go down the hall that led outside.

     When we got out the tent was lit with shooting star lights hanging down the sides and a multi color dance floor in the middle. Adora's look on her face was ten times better. "Hey Adora, happy birthday!"

     Everyone we knew was there the other princesses, some townspeople, Brighmoon etc. My nerves got worse every time a slow song played, I would always just look at Bow. I knew the song but I still had to make sure and watch for his signal.

     About fifteen minutes later thousand years started to play so I looked over to Bow. He was giving the signal it was now or never. I walked over to Adora grabbing her into a dance.

    "Hey Adora, I have to talk to you about something?" she looked confused, "Okay, what's up Glimmer?" My voice started to stutter as I tried to talk to her."Ummm it's umm kinda important."

    Without saying another word I pulled her and she followed as we made our way out of the party and towards the woods. "Umm Glimmer what's going on? Where are we going?"

    When we got to the spot I pulled her to face me then took a deep breath. "Adora, since the first time we met in the forest my life has not been the same." I started to get really hot and sweaty. Nervous to continue but there was no stopping now so I continued.

   "You became the reason I smile everyday even on the dullest days. What I am trying to say is I fell in love with you Adora. I fell in love with not just you but who you are. I want you, all of you. Everyday when I wake up in the morning with you being the first thing I see."

    Before I continued I looked up at Adora. Her face was a blank reaction like I just hit her in the face. "I am sorry Adora, I understand if you don't feel the same way."

    Just then her face changed but not in the way I thought more of an angry way. "Glimmer, what makes you think I would ever love you? Just look at yourself, you're not worth it. You can say you love me a million times but I will never feel that way towards you."

    I felt my heart shatter to the sound of her words hitting me like a bullet in the chest. At that moment I felt nothing but sadness and the stinging on my face as tears rolled down my face like waterfalls. "But I thought-," "You thought wrong."

    Adora walked away leaving me alone. I never felt this much pain in my life but I made my way back over to the party. Before I could walk in Bow grabbed me in a hug squeezing me tight. "I heard everything. I am so sorry Glimmer." I grabbed him even tighter letting everything out.

    But in the corner of my eye I saw Adora by the woods, her eyes a bright yellow as she ran into the forest. In that moment I knew it wasn't Adora, soon changing my sadness into anger. "Bow it is not Adora. I just saw her with yellow eyes as she ran into the forest."

    I grabbed him teleporting to where she was listening and heard a man and Catra's voice."Good your checking in, how's everything going?" "Amazing kitten I just broke the sparkle girl's little heart. The rest of the plan is as good as golden. With that how is the birthday girl?"

   "Oh Adora, still being resistant but I am starting to break though, want to see? Say hi to Double Trouble Adora." "Your delusional Catra. You will never break me, they will come." It was Catra and they have had the real Adora this whole time. Then who was this Adora or should I say Double Trouble.

   "Well I better get back, talk soon kitten." When he walked past we tackled him to the ground. "You have a lot of explaining to do while you tell us where the real Adora is."

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