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Glimmer POV:

       I woke up feeling the sun's heat as it shined through the cracks in the curtain. Sitting up in my sleeping bag I yawned and stretched a bit rubbing my eyes as I looked around the room. Bow was still curled up and snoring in his sleep I laughed, he always says he doesn’t snore.

       I am actually surprised I am up before him today, he is usually the first one up. Then I looked over to Adora’s sleeping bag but to my surprise it was empty. With that I was wide awake now shaking Bow awake.

      "Bowww wakeee upppp," shooting up straight in bed looking for trouble. "What Glimmer what happened, you okay." "Yes Bow, I am okay, but Adora is not in her sleeping bag."

       Bow then calmed down looking at me while shaking his head, a little laugh escaping him. "Glimmer, calm down. Adora probably couldn’t sleep so she headed off early to get some breakfast." 

     "Yeah maybe," I said in a whisper looking down at my feet embarrassed. He was probably right and I was probably just being paranoid. With a smile he nudged me "How about me and you head down there maybe we will run into her." 

     "Yeah sounds great," "We can also talk about your plan for Adora’s birthday." Bow said with a wink and excitement in his voice. With everything going on I forgot Adora’s birthday was only a week away. I also forgot that Bow knew I liked Adora and we were planning on a plan for me to tell her on her birthday. 

      "Oh yeah that," I said with a nervous laugh as we made our way down the hallway to the dining room. "Come on Glimmer don’t tell me you forgot." "It may have slipped my mind." He laughed "well we still have some time before the party."

      "We got to find the perfect song." "Why is that?" I questioned giving him a puzzling look. "So I can play it for you guys, that can be your signal. I will also give you a thumbs up." 

      "Okay then what do I do?" "Then you will ask Adora to dance and start to dance together. While doing this look into her eyes and tell her how you feel." My face turned bright red just thinking about it and Bow noticed.

      "Hey you got this and I will be right there with you." "Okay yeah I got this, thanks Bow." With that we made it to the dining room and walked in. As we walked in Adora was nowhere in sight so as you can imagine I started to panic again. 

        I grabbed a bow and we teleported around every inch of the castle and brightmoon but there was no sign of her anywhere, she was gone. It probably happened when we fell asleep last night. I knew that I could see it in her eyes last night that she had a plan. I just didn’t think she would actually leave. 

        I started to break down in tears, what if something happened. She could be out there anywhere hurt or even. Quickly I blocked that thought out of my head, I couldn’t think of that right now. Or that this could of been my fault, I should of stayed up to keep a eye on her.

       Bow came and sat next to me wrapping me into his arms and pulling me into a hug. "Hey calm down Glimmer it will be okay, we will find her I promise." "Adora probably couldn't have gotten far." 

       I lifted my head up, my face puffy and wet with tears as I managed to give Bow a smile. "Thank you Bow, I am worried we have to find her." "We will. There is nothing we can’t do." 
      Even though Bow’s words were comforting I still had a bad feeling deep in my gut that I couldn’t get rid of. A feeling that says that Adora is in danger and we have to find her fast. With that me Bow and everyone else got started on a plan to find Adora.

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