At Training

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  Bow POV: 

           Adora took to training quickly, turning into She Ra. "For the honor of grayskull," raising her sword, changing in a blast of light. Taking off  in a sprint with Glimmer to get the bots set up for weapon combat, turning them on one by one. I am kinda worried though about Adora and it’s killing me that I can’t tell Glimmer what is happening. 

        "Bow you coming," they shouted as Glimmer threw a ball of magic at one of the bots while teleporting to dodge it’s lazers. Adora then jumped behind it while Glimmer was distracting it, knocking it down with one hit of her sword. "Coming," pulling out my bow I shot the bot with one of my arrows. It shut down, showing it surrendered.

        "Nice job guys that was great," my eyes widened as I saw a bot come up behind Adora."Adora behind you look out," I shot an arrow as Glimmer jumped, grabbing and teleporting Adora out of the way. The arrow hit right into the robot's weak spot, knocking it down on its knees. 

       "Got it," Adora said as she cut the bot in half. "How am I going to fix that," as I said laughing. "Sorry, forgot about that part." Adora said as she grabbed her head again, almost falling but catching herself. 

        She doesn’t look so good, she should be recovering or taking it easy, not out here training today. Yet again it is Adora we are talking about. If you tell her to do something she is going to do the opposite and she definitely doesn’t know how to relax. 

       "Hey Glimmer and Adora I am getting kinda hungry. Wanna get some lunch?" They stopped and ran over to me. “We can get some sandwiches from the dining room." I nodded in agreement and started to walk with Glimmer back to the castle. "Adora you coming?" 

         "No it’s okay I am not that hungry, I think I am going to work on some hand to hand combat." With a concerned look I asked "Okay we will be back pretty soon want anything to drink?" "Water would be fine thank guys." 

           Now that it was just me and Glimmer she turned to me giving me a look like she had something on her mind she was dying to ask. "Okay what is going on, is Adora okay? Be honest because I will find out." 

            It killed me even more but I knew I couldn’t tell her all of it yet. "Yeah Adora is good, just tired and has a lot on her mind right now. With her nightmares, the horde and being She Ra." looking down she sighed. "Yeah that makes sense I am just worried when we were talking last night, it was like she wanted to tell me something but she changed the subject." 

           "She didn’t tell me anything when I saw her this morning except what happened in her dream." Shooting her a toothy grin, my voice starting to rise a little from excitement. "She also may have mentioned you guys sleeping together last night." Her face turned a dark pink as she hit me on my shoulder. "She asked me to stay the night because of her nightmare." 

            I laughed rolling my eyes. "Oh yeah definitely just that, nothing else?" Jumping up and down laughing even harder now as her pink on her face turned a dark red."You like her don’t you!" 

          "No it’s nothing," she said just below a whisper, almost not being able to hear what she said. "Oh yeah Adora is deffinley just nothing." Her head snapped up to me as she became defensive, talking super fast. "Adora is everything! She is beyond perfect and not to mention she is super hot."

           Noticing what she said she pushed me groaning and putting her hands over her face. "Please don’t say anything Bow, I don’t want to mess up what we have. I don’t even think she likes me like that or if I even have a chance." 

           Putting my hand up to my lips I zipped them shut and threw the key giving Glimmer a thumbs up and a nod."Thank you Bow," By the end of the talk we were at the dining room getting some sandwiches and waters about to head back to Adora. 


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