The secret

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Adora POV:

          I got some sleep after Glimmer came in and stayed with me. Walking up I sat up letting out a big yawn, rubbing my eyes. I felt something pull me close, It was Glimmer.
         She had her arms wrapped around my waist and her face buried into me trying to stay warm from the breeze that was comming though the window. I didn't want to wake her. She looked so peaceful laying there, I wish it was like this every morning.

        Being careful not to wake her I unwrapped her arms from my waist. Getting up slowly and putting her arms back down onto the bed. Then I covered her back up with the blanket, she pulled it up snuggling into it.
        I smiled, blushing slightly as I walked over to shut the window and get ready for training. When I was ready I decided to go get some breakfast from the dining room and bring it back to Glimmer, giving her some more time to sleep.

       Quietly I slipped out my bedroom door into the hallway, closing the door with a click. I turned around and jumped. I saw Bow standing behind me with a big smile on his face."Morning Adora," now looking around me with a questioning look on his face.
     "Where is Glimmer? She is usually with you in the mornings." I blushed starting to stutter my words "Umm no she is umm still sleeping, I am going to go get us some breakfast." I started to walk down the hallway towards the dining room Bow following me.

     "Oh did you and Glimmer sleep together last night?" his eyes filled with happiness as he jumped up and down. This made me blush even more." Yeah we did, I had another nightmare and she stayed with me.
     "His face then turned from excited to serious, "what was it about?" Just thinking about it hurt even though it wasn't real, it hurt. "Me not being able to save you and Glimmer in the whispering woods. I saw you unconscious on the ground then-," I started to shake, grabbing my arms again. "Glimmer got stabbed by my sword dying in front of me, I couldn't save her.

       I could see him look down, his eyes widening, not saying anything for a while. My vision started to blur again, blackness taking its place as I fell. More flashes of Catra popped into my head.

     "Whatever happens next is your fault Adora." screaming I grabbed my head, "Make it stop." I shouted Bow running up to me pulling me up and into a hug. "You okay Adora, make what stop?" I grabbed onto him finally getting my vision back and the flashes stopped.

     "What was that," bow asked, letting me go and looking into my eyes, waiting for an answer. "It was nothing, please don't tell Glimmer." "What, are you crazy," Bows voice becoming higher." That was not nothing, Glimmer needs to know if we don't tell her she will find out."

        I knew that she would find out but I didn't want her to worry, not before I figured out what was going on. "We can't tell Glimmer yet, I promise we will but first I need to know what is exactly happening. Why do I keep having these flashes and what do they mean? I know they have maybe something do do with my nightmare, another resson I can't tell Glimmer yet."

       Bow then let out a huge sigh, giving in."Fine we will keep it between us for now,but I don't like this idea." I gave him a small nod agreeing.
      "I don't either but I just can't put this on her right now, definitely with what she has been though the last few days. We will tell her soon though I promise." A few minutes later we were at the doors to the dining room. I grabbed some jelly filled donuts and headed back to my room with Bow to get Glimmer.

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