Adora's dream

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Adora POV

         I don’t know exactly where I am, everything is dark around me with nothing in sight. When it finally starts to clear I can see that we are in the whispering woods. Trees were knocked down everywhere, some on fire.

         I feel like I recognized this from somewhere but didn't know from where. My chest felt tight, something wasn't right. When I try to move I notice I couldn't because Scorpia had a hold of me in a tight grip.

        Then I looked ahead of me seeing Glimmer and Bow. Bow being unconscious and Glimmer caught in a choke hold by Catra. "Hey Adora," Catra said with a laugh looking at me tightening her grip on Glimmer.

       "Not so powerful now are your princess, that is what you get for leaving me and the horde." Glimmer looked at me. Even though I know she didn't want to show it, you could see the fear and worry in her eyes. She was scared and so was I.

       "You could have joined me Catra, you could have gotten away from the horde to." "Just look at what the horde has done." I tried looking around for my sword to see if I could reach it.

        Catra looked at me with a smirk rolling her eyes. Knowing what I was looking for she showed me my sword. "We have made it better. This is what we wanted to do before you left on some identity crisis and joined the rebellion."

        Then I saw anger flash through her eyes and a tear roll down her cheek. "You left me for them, for this now I am going to hurt you just like you did me when you left." "Whatever happens next is your fault Adora." 

        Grabbing my sword she stabbed Glimmer in the back. The sword going through her back and out her stomach. With Catra still holding her.

        Then with a drop Glimmer then fell to her knees, blood coming from her mouth and tears flowing from her eyes. She let out a scream as she fell. Catra stepped away laughing and watching her work, then singled Scropia. "Bye Adora." Catra said as she and Scropia disappeared into the night.   

         I then got up and sprinted to Glimmers side picking her up into my arms. Blood was everywhere around us and on her. The red sticky blood caught in her once pink hair now stained red. Her purple eyes that once sparkled like the stars were now glossed over.  I put my hand on her cheek closing her eyes shut, she was gone and there was nothing I could do.

         I shot up in bed in a sweat, trying to breathe. I looked all around me and saw I was still in my room at the castle. I was crying but trying not to be very loud so I didn’t wake anyone up.

        Glimmer died right in front of me, with my own sword and I couldn’t save her. Her scream replayed in my head as I grabbed myself into a hug. Not knowing if I went to her room if she would be there alive.

        It all felt so real the fear in Glimmer's eyes knowing she was going to die and the cold hatred in Catras when she stabbed Glimmer, watching her die. I cradled myself in bed squeezing my shoulders till my knuckles turned white. 

       What hurt the most was that I didn’t even get to tell Glimmer how much I cared for her. How I wanted to be more than friends. That I wanted to wake up to her with me in bed everyday and how adorable she was.

        I wanted to hold her in my arms and never let her go, and fall asleep in eachothers arms. With that thought I cried harder I didn’t even know if she felt the same way nor did I know if I even had a shot with her. The feeling of my heart wanting to burst from my chest. 

        I am supposed to be the mighty she ra what’s the point if I can’t even protect the ones I care about. Or even be strong enough to save them when something bad happens. I always get them caught in the middle of every battle always afraid of what could happen.

        Then I realized where I recognized my nightmare from. When I was walking back to my room after Glimmer teleported away. I had a blackout and flash of the fire and Catra. I didn’t know why I was having them or what this all meant but I was afraid.

       My body violently shook the bed as I tried to hold in my sobs. My knuckles turned more white as I squeezed harder on my shoulders, still struggling to breath. Digging my nails deep into my shoulders making marks on my skin as I tried to make everything stop.

       I was too worried about Glimmer. I tried to decide if I should go and wake her to see if she was still alive. Maybe even hop into bed with her. Yet again I didn’t want to wake her if she was asleep. 

       So I just stayed in my ball shaking and crying not wanting to go back to bed. Knowing if I stayed up I wouldn’t see it happen again, being powerless to stop it. I was determined to not have this happen to Bow or Glimmer.

       Not wanting to see Glimmer die in front of me again. Hearing her curdling scream when she fell. Watching as she went lifeless in my arms.

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