Hide and seek

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Bow POV:

It has been about a week since Adora woke up and already trying to get back out there. She has been moving better and has had a fast recovery but Glimmer wont let her out of her sight still.

I stayed in Brightmoon today and wanted to get up early before Glimmer and Adora so we could have breakfast together. On my way out of my room I heard the infirmary room open as well. I rolled my eyes and watched as Adora stepped out in the hall and quietly shut the door after. 

She looked around for anyone watching and jumped when she saw me. "Ohhh Adora aren't you supposed to be in bed? What will Glimmer do when she finds out?" I said laughing. She blushed and put her finger to her mouth as she whispered, "Shhh Bow quiet she is sleeping. I don’t wanna wake her up but I want to go on a walk around." 

   "She is going to kill you and you know how I am with secrets." I am not very good at secrets. That's why I am surprised I have kept the one about the both of them for so long without just saying hey you both like each other already. 

Adora started to beg with her big blue puppy eyes. "Please bow, for me? I reallyyy need this right now. Then after I will stay in bed and rest I promise." I mean how could I not say no with the look she was giving me. I groaned and gave in, "Fine I will do my best to distract her."

   "Yayyy thank you bow! Where are you going anyways, I can just walk with you for a bit?" "Well I was on my way to the dining hall to get breakfast for all of us." We started both walking in that direction and talking when we heard a familiar voice behind us. "Adora, where are you?" It was Glimmer.

"You better get going Adora, you could go down that hall there to the ballroom. She doesn't think you know where it is yet." When me and Adora were planning a party once for Glimmer, I showed her the ball room but we thought it was a little much for a party. 

"Okay thanks Bow!" With that she disappeared around the corner. Not long after Glimmer saw me. "Bow! Thank god, have you seen Adora this morning?" I saw Adora peek around a corner and gave her a look as I looked back to Glimmer. 

I could tell she thought I was looking at something so she looked over my shoulder but Adora was already gone again. "No I haven’t I thought she was with you, haven’t you  guys been sleeping together lately?" I asked, giving her a smirk. 

Glimmer turned red hitting me again making her glitter fly around. "I ummm, Bow!"  I was trying to calm down my laughter and catch my breath. "It’s not funny Bow, she asked me to!" "Okay okay I am sorry Glimmer." 

She turned giving me a look basically saying, yeah sure you are. "You're not. You're enjoying this."  I mean I couldn’t help it. "I mean...maybe a little bit."

     I knew Adora left before saying all of this too. Right after Glimmer about saw her she left, not wanting to be caught just yet. So I decided to ask the big question. "When are you going to redue Adora’s birthday?" She knew exactly what I met. 

"I don’t know I am scared for that to maybe happen again, me feeling that way again." That was a hard night on her and I am not surprised if she isn’t ready yet, nobody would be. "I understand Glimmer, take your time. When you're ready you will know and if you ever need help I am here." 

She smiled and then hugged me but then snapped back remembering the early conversation, my staling was done. "Adora is still missing, we need to find her!" as she pulled me behind her. "We will don’t worry." "I don’t want her getting hurt again Bow!"

"I have teleported nearly everywhere and I can’t find her!" At this point she was starting to freak out again so I had to kinda tell her. "I mean have you checked the corner by the dining hall?"

"No that’s the ball room and she hasn’t been there." "It wouldn't hurt to check right? Maybe she wandered off in that direction." She caught on after that.

"I knew you were not telling me something." She said angrily, pulling me harder in the direction of Adora. "Let’s go then." Sorry Adora I said in my head and we headed that way. 

I knew it was a bad idea to tell her but I didn’t want to make things worse. "I can’t believe you didn't tell me Bow. She is still badly hurt!"

   "Glimmer, I told her how worried you would be if you found out she was missing. Do you think she was going to listen to me? You know her! If someone tells her no, she's going to try to figure out how to do it anyways!"

"Well you could have stayed with her and not left her alone." All of the sudden we stopped and her anger slowly turned into sobbing. She went over the wall and slid down bringing her knees up to her chest. 

"I love her, this was my fault in the first place. If I noticed sooner and tried to have her tell me what was happening sooner maybe this wouldn’t be happening." I pulled her in trying to comfort her by holding her hand.

She yanked it away fast though and continued to talk. "She told me her dream and that her visions were like that, She knew what was about to happen and she did that for me. The worst part was the feeling I felt when I saw the blade go through and her being surrounded by her own blood."

Glimmer was crying hard now and she tried to talk. "Glimmer wanted to protect you, there was no way you could have prevented this. I don’t even think Adora knew what was going to happen."

"I thought I was going to lose her Bow and not be able to tell her everything, see her beautiful smile or big blue eyes again." Then all of the sudden her sobbing a laugh escaped. "If Adora died I was going to get revenge on Catra. It should have been me, not Adora."

I tried pulling her into a hug and she fell into my chest accepting the hug as she hugged back even tighter. "It happened Glimmer, no one could control that. She is okay and that's all that matters. So no more blaming yourself for this because it’s not your fault. "

Pulling away from me she looked up. "Thanks bow." "No problem anytime, now should we continue our mission?" I asked standing back up and holding out my hand to help Glimmer up. "Also Glimmer are we okay?" 

"Yes we are and we shall." Grabbing my hand and standing up as we made out way back down the hall to the ballroom. When we got there Adora turned around and just stared her eyes wide, like us.

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