Restless night

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Glimmer POV

          I could tell that Adora was hiding how much pain she was in after the Battle of brightmoon. She tries so hard to hide how much pain she is in all the time, but I can see right through it. She is so amazing but under a lot of stress to be the best, kinda like me.
        When I first met her I didn’t trust her at all, but can you blame me she was a part of the horde. Quickly after meeting I could tell she had no idea what the hored was doing, how she was just wrapped into their cruel ways.

         We became best friends right away after that, unsepretable. But every time I am around her My heart beats 100 miles per hour and my face feels like it is going to explode. I usually turn away so she can’t see my cheeks turn red.

         Like I did today when we were talking on the way to our rooms. I noticed I started to day dream and snapped out of it seeing gliter flying around my room. That is usually what happens when I think about Adora and how hot she is.

        With that I felt my cheeks there was burning up again from just the thought of Adora. I was laying in bed staring at the gliter float all around the dim room. Watching them light up when the moon light hit them just right. I was worried about Adora. She didn’t look very good after the fight, but I didn’t want to say anything about it.

        I wanted her to have a sleepover with me again, mostly I wanted to snuggle up with her in bed not wanting it to end. I wanted to be more than friends but I didn’t even know if she felt the same way or if I even had a chance with someone that amazing. So I kept it to myself getting away pretty fast when I turn into a red tomato from how red my face gets.

        I teleported from my bed to the floor, since I couldn’t sleep because I was thinking about her. With that thought I wanted to check on her. I decided I would teleport just past her door to her room check on her and teleport out without waking her up.

       When I got in there she was crying, shaking in a ball, pain coming from her whimpers. Watching made me want to cry. I hated seeing her in pain like this. She hasn't noticed me yet, I didn’t want to startle her by teleporting to her so I walked over to her. 

      "Adora," I said softly but she didn’t look at me. She kept her head down to her knees. I don’t know if she could hear me or not. She was whispering something under her breath but I couldn’t make out what she was saying.

        I got to her bed and took a seat by her making her jump and look at me, her eyes were bloodshot from how much she was crying. "Glimmer, you're okay," she said, looking at me tears filling her red bloodshot eyes again. "Yeah it’s me Adora, I am rig-." Before I could finish my sentence Adora grabbed me in a tight hug.

       It was silent for a minute or two as she nuzzled into my shoulder, tears pouring from her eyes once again. Then I heard her breathing start to calm down. "It is you, you're okay. I saw you." I didn’t catch what she said because she started crying, grabbing my shirt tighter.

       I squeezed her tighter as well rubbing her back to try to calm her. "It’s okay Adora I am right here, I’m okay." My face was burning. I knew it was probably a bright red by now. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would pop out my chest. I hoped she wouldn't notice.

       Finally she let go cupping my face in her hands. "I am so sorry Glimmer, I failed." I looked at her confused being glad it was too dark for her to see how much I was blushing. "What do you mean you failed Adora?" Reaching up I grabbed her hands, pulling them down into mine.

     "Did you have a nightmare?" I asked, seeing how bad this one was. She always talked to me about them and it seemed to calm her. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked, giving her hands a little squeeze and a smile. 

      "I couldn’t save you, I wasn’t strong enough. I saw you get stabbed and die right in front of me. I don’t want to lose you again, I can’t." She started to shake again, her hold on my hands tightening.

       I reached up and lifted her chin, "you won’t I am right here Adora." She gave me a smile and layed on my shoulder, "I didn’t wake you up did I?" "No I couldn’t sleep, you didn’t wake me."

       We sat there for a little bit. She looked up to me like she wanted to tell me something else but didn't. Then she just asked,"can you stay with me tonight Glimmer?" Stunted by her question I just nodded, a few minutes later she fell asleep.

       She was so cute when she was asleep it made me smile. I wasn't sure why she didn't tell me what she was going to say but I knew she was hurting. I needed to get some sleep to, so laid my head on hers and drifted to sleep.

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