Getting Adora

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Bow POV, 

"What did you do with Adora and who are you? Speak, or so help me...," Glimmer shouted. I was having issues holding her back from killing him before we got the location of the real Adora. "Glimmer we can’t hurt him until we find out where Adora is."

She sighed and backed away from his face. "I am watching you, you try anything and I will blast you without a second thought." I took it after that interrogating him but he wouldn’t budge. "Oh you to, Catra has something big planned for you and  your little Adora." "I would say you have about one more hour left." 

I started to get angry. We were at this all night and haven't gotten anywhere. Besides Catra having a big plan and him counting down every hour. 

Maybe I should just let Glimmer blast him or use her magic on him. "Glimmer without hurting him, try to use some magic." Before she could blast him he started to talk. "Okay okay fine I will talk I can tell you guys are a little frustrated." "Catra has a plan the requires Adora and the sword. With it makes a portal that will help take control of not just Brightmoon but all of Etheria."

"This is what you were counting down this whole time!" At that point I was angry and scared. Glimmer was quiet and left the room. She couldn’t handle it and she still blames herself for what happened to Adora in the first place. 

I walked out with her when we got out I could see she was crying. "Glimmer it will be okay we will save Adora and stop Catra." "We still don’t know where Adora is or if this guy is telling the truth."

    She was right about that we don’t know if he was telling the truth. This guy tricked us into thinking he was Adora and broke Glimmer's heart. We both have a good reasson not to trust him. No matter that we couldn't take the chance, we have no choice.

"Are you ready to go back if you don’t have to." "Yeah I am, we need to find Adora." We walked back in and started to ask him where Adora was. "Oh right Adora, well she is with the Horde she has been this whole time."

"We need to go save her let’s head out." Before we were able to leave the guards came running in. "We have trouble horde soldiers approaching the castle." "Lets go get them," Glimmer said as she ran out. 

We started to fight them but there were just too many. I was running out of bow's and Glimmer was alomost out of magic. I didn't know how much longer we could hold them off for.

    "Hey guys thought you could use some help." It was Mermista. "Thought you could start the party without us." said Frosta. All the princesses showed up to help. 

"Go get Adora, we got it from here,"  perfuma said as she took down a whole set of soldiers. "Let’s go Glimmer," soon we were running full speed through the forest to the Horde. Glimmer got hit hard so she had to keep stopping. I told her it was okay to rest but she pushed me off saying we had to get Adora and that the time was running out. 

She was right to, if double trouble was telling the truth then we only had about 45 more minutes to save Adora and stop Catra. We were not far now but I didnt have a good feeling. This kinda reminded me of what Adora talked about in her visions and her dream. 

The whole forest was on fire and when we got close we could see Adora but she was alone. She didn’t get up to run to us like she couldn’t and it looked like she was trying to say something but couldn’t. We ran shouting her name but before we got to her I felt something hit my head hard and before I could do anything I was out like a light.

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