The confession

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Glimmer POV:

After a while of searching for Adora and freaking out a bit. We ended up finding her. Plus Bow kinda gave up her location, still kinda mad he kept it from me though.

The important thing is we found her before she hurt herself more. Her stitches have just started to heal and get better. It's Adora though and she doesn't know how to keep still or rest.

When she just looked at me I can tell she felt bad. Pretty sure she could see the angry and worry plastered on my face. I took a deep breath and started to make my way towards her.

"Glimmer I am sorry, I know it was stuipd an-" Before she could finish I wrapped her up in a big hug, shocking her in the process. Hugging me back eventually.

I didn't know how long we stayed like it but I didn't want it to end. I decided I was going to tell Adora how I felt. Looking over to bow I waved him off saying I was good.

He understood and walked out of the ballroom leaving just me and Adora. "Adora, there is something important I need to talk to you about and you might hate me after." She gave me a puzzled look bud nodded.

"When you were gone we had a birthday party for you. Well for the other you, and we had this plan." I looked up for a second to see if she was still listening, which she was.

"Bow and I planned the whole night to make it special for you and to tell you what I am about to tell you. I was scared to do it because double trouble broke my heart after." Now she looked worried for me and I didnt notice I was starting to cry."

Grabbing my hand we sat down on the ground. "Glimmer it is okay take your time, no matter what I will still be your friend." That made me feel better that no matter what happened I wouldn't lose her all together.

"Thanks Adora." I said then took a deep breath before I started to continue. My voice started to stutter as I tried to talk to her again just like the night at the party. "Adora, since the first time we met in the forest my life has not been the same." I was nervous again not as bad as last time but I could feel myself heating up.

"Your smile makes me so happy and your laugh fills my stomach with butterflies. You make the dark days brighter and I fell in love with you for it." I looked up before I continued it was a different look from the party and her face turned bright red making mine heat up more.

"I fell in love with not just you but who you are. I want you, all of you, everyday 24/7. When I wake up in the morning and you bring the first thing I see in the bed with me."

Before I started to continue Adora cupped my face in her hands and pulled me into a kiss. Pulling away she gave me a smile. "I feel the same way about you Glimmer and I want the same things."

"I am sorry about what happened with double trouble that night. I would never hurt you." Then her blue eyes gleamed up and she became excited. "Does this mean we are the dating thing you and Bow talk about?"

I laughed and smiled as I grabbed her hand as we stood up again. "Yes it does, only if you want to though." "I definitely want more than anything!"

I ended up pulling her into another kiss and we held hands as we walked back into the castle. When we got close Bow was standing at the door waiting for us to walk in. He started to jump up and down after he saw us holding hands.

"Wait Glimmer you told her, what was her reaction, I need details, are you guys a thing now?" Me and Adora both laughed. "Yes Bow I told her and we will catch you up on everything but for now we can answer your first question and it is yes!"

Later that night we headed to bed and cuddled, falling asleep in eachothers arms. Best feeling in the world and now I knew this girl was mine now. Drifting off into a deep slumber excited for our new chapter together.

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