To training

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Glimmer POV: 

        I woke up finding myself in Adora’s bed curled up in her blankets. She must have left to get breakfast because she wasn’t here when I woke up. Sighing I sat up and stretched, my joints popping giving me a feeling of relief.
        Not long after Adora fell asleep I did. Waking up anytime she would start to get restless during the night. Rubbing her back in a circular motion to calm her back down.

         She usually always comes to me when she has a nightmare. This one in particular though shook her up more than the previous nighmares she has had.

         I still can’t get the filling out of my head that there was something she wasn’t telling me. This made me wonder why and want to find out more. Knowing this could be bad or causing her alot of pain.
          I then started to daydream thinking about how her eye sparkled in the light and how she snores when she is sleeping. I wanted to cuddle to her warmth forever, not letting go. I wanted to be closer to her. 
          I could feel my face heating up waking me up from my dream and snapping me back into reality. I saw the glitter that surrounded me as I tried to get rid of some of it before Adora got back. 

         Yawning I stood up, making my way over to the door. I thought if I left I would be able to catch them walking back towards the room. Before I was able to reach out and pull open the door, the door opened. Standing there was Bow and Adora.

         Adora having a couple jelly donuts in her hand and Bow with his arrows. "Morning Glimmer,"  both said in sequence. "I didn’t wake you right?" Adora said in a quiet voice. "No you didn’t I just woke up about five minutes ago," I told her giving her a smile. "Also good morning to you both as well."

         She smiled back handing me one of the jelly filled donuts. I blushed trying to hide my face and I grabbed the donut. Her smile is perfect just like everything else about her.

       "I thought I would get breakfast and bring it back so you could have more time to sleep." "Thank you," I said still avoiding eye contact so she couldn’t see me blushing. I swear I thought I could see her blushing a little bit too from the corner of my eye. But I probably was just imaginating it. Grapping her sword from the foot end of her bed she made our was back over to us. "You guys ready?"

       "Ready," Bow said excitedly. I was ready but still pretty tired from the night before. I didn’t want to let them both down though so I grabbed them both linking my arms into theirs and started to walk down the hallways that lead outside.
        With the help of Bow being a excellent tech master, we have horde bots from previous fights that we programmed to fight against. Making sure they can’t kill us or hurt us really bad. Just enough to leave some bruises and small cuts. There is also a difficulty setting on the side of the bot that we can control. "Let's do this," I said as we reached the battle field.

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