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Bow POV:

      Since we couldn’t find Adora Glimmer has been super worried. I finally just got her to bed since she hasn't slept at all and keeps waking up in a sweat. I will give it about two more minutes till she tries to sneak out to go look for Adora again. 

      Just then I heard movement coming towards her door as the handle twisted slightly. It opened just enough for her head to pop out as she looked around. When she saw me she jumped. 

"Bow! What ummm are you doing here?" I sighed and went into her room. "Knowing you would try to sneak out again. You need a sleep Glimmer."

She looked down at her feet as a tear rolled down her cheek. "I can't, we need to find Adora. This is all my fault. If I would have not ignored the signs and tried to help before it got to this she would still be here."

"Glimmer," I said, going over to her and setting my hand on her shoulder pulling her to look at me. "This is not your fault. Adora didn’t wanna worry anyone and you didn’t know this would have happened." I could still see that she was worried though as she gave me a nod in agreement.

     "Don't worry Glimmer, Adora is gonna be fine, she disappears every once and awhile and she always comes back." I couldn't help but worry though that she was never gone for this long. 

     "While that may be true, I'm still going to look for her." I sighed as I understood why, to be honest I wanted to too. "Alright, if it'll get you to stop worrying, then we can go look around for Adora. I'll check in the forest, see if she's hanging around the first one's temple ." Glimmer gave me a nod saying she will check some of her favorite places as well. 

      Heading towards the door I picked up my bow and arrows just in case the horde comes or I run into some trouble. I told Glimmer to get a dagger or something since she hasn’t been getting enough sleep to recharge. I didn’t want her magic to run out if she gets in trouble and have nothing to protect herself with. 

     We left the room quickly making our way outside to the forest. When we got there we decided to search together since it was dark and to stay safe. "Adora!" We both shouted multiple times, as we tried to look for her bright blond hair or bright red jacket in the trees. 

     Since it was dark it was hard to see what was around us with the amount of light that was actually given. We also kept hearing footsteps in the distance but then when we got closer we saw it was only just animals. I could see Glimmer was thinking the worst, I started to as well. "Glimmer don’t think that way yet she is probably just asleep somewhere."

     Shocked with how I knew what she was thinking she gave a response just below a whisper. "Yeah, maybe…" Just then we spotted something in the distance before I could say anything Glimmer transported to it leaving behind only glitter. 

     It was Adora injured but okay! Glimmer and I were crying as she sat with her in her arms. "Adora are you okay? It’s me Glimmer and I have Bow with me." "Glimmer? Bow?" Adora questioned as she tried to get up and move. "No no don’t move it’s okay we will carry you back to Brightmoon and get you all cleaned up then you can tell us what happened." Glimmer said as she put both her hands on her shoulders to stop her.    

    We picked her up and started to head back. I am glad we found her but I couldn’t help notice there was something different about Adora. I had a gut feeling but didn’t know what it was. It is like she looked at us like she was seeing us for the first time. I am probably just being paranoid though. It may just be from her injuries or she had a bad blackout before we found her. 

When we got back to Brightmoon we took Adora to the infirmary to get her bandaged and let her rest. She passed out as soon as she hit the pillow and Glimmer didn’t plan on leaving so I got her a chair and put it by Adora’s bed. "You and Adora sleep here. I will go in my room and come back to check on her tomorrow."

"Thank you Bow not just for this but helping me through this and finding her." I smiled and gave her a hug. "No problem Glimmer. I am also just happy you are getting some sleep now and I don’t have to worry about you sneaking off." I laughed as I gave her a wink showing I was joking. 

Her eyes lit us when she got the joke and started to laugh. This is the first time I have seen her laugh before Adora when missing, It made me smile. "Okay see you to tomorrow, goodnight." "Night Bow," she said as she blushed looking over to Adora. I couldn’t help but giggle as I made my way out of the door and down the hall to my room. 


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