The command

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Scorpia POV:

         After seeing wildcat I headed to see how the training was doing and the last minute stuff for tonight. I know how stressed she can be doing an amazing job as team captain, so I always help the best that I can. 

        People think she is mean and rude but under all that is an amazing friend who just needs cared for as well. I am brave, strong, loyal, and give great hugs. And I am going to be the best friend that I can be!

        I will also go and check on Entrapta as well. We are all the super pal trio me, Catra and Entrapta. After Enttrapta was left here she decided to stay so we have been working on eachother together and doing amazing adventures. 

       She has been working a lot in Hordaks lab helping make some type of portal with the first ones we found. She is working in her room right now though. So it’s a perfect time to stop in and say hello. 

       "Hey. Entrapta how’s it going?" Entrapta turns around in her chair lifting up her shield. "More amazing then anything I can imagine. With my calculations the portal will be up and running in precisely a couple of weeks from now." Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she talked fast. "It will be even more quick if everything goes to plan tonight."

     "That is fantastic to hear about Entrapta! Told you the super pal trio could do anything!"  "Speaking of that, where is Emily hiding?" looking around the room for the robot. "Ohhh Emily is helping get more tools for the power converter and getting tiny food."

     "Nice tell Emily I said hi I have to get everything else set up for Catra tonight." "Don’t wanna let her down, she has been working so hard." Emily walks back in with everything for the portal. "I have to head back to the lab as well, see you later!" With that Entrapta climbed up into the vent and I headed out. 

      She is planning to do something with the ex-best friend Adora and everyone else. I don’t know the whole plan except it being a big key to victory and the portal. She has been planning since that attack on brightmoon so whatever it is has to be genius and big.

     With that thought I jumped with the sound of Catra behind me. "Oh hey Catra, didn’t see you there." Both blushes as Catra tries to talk to Scropia. "Is the team and everything ready?"

     Her tone stern but still a stutter. "Yes sir wildcat everything is set up and ready." Raising her hand up to Catra giving her a salute and a smile. "Okay then let's go give the command."

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