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Adora POV:

      Everything is so black, I don’t know where I am. The last thing I remember was Glimmer and Bow saying my name and being carried through the forest, then nothing. I was standing in the middle of complete darkness, did I die?

      I tried to walk around to find any light or anyone one else. I would find cracks of light but when I ran towards them they closed. I thought I could hear Glimmer talking to me too but I couldn’t make out what she was saying. 

     I kept thinking to myself this is it. Catra and the horde won, I am dead. They can take everything over now and hurt whomever they want because me or She Ra isn’t there to stop them. 

     Then I kept thinking about Bow, Glimmer, the other princesses everyone that I care about. Mostly Glimmer, I never got to tell her how I felt before I died. Now I am stuck somewhere alone not even knowing what is going on. 

     I sat down curling up in a ball as I cried, ready to just give up. Until I was finally able to make out the voice I was hearing. It was Glimmer and she needed me."Please wake up soon Adora we miss you, I miss you."

    With that I got up, my drive to get back pushing me foward. I wasn't going to give up, if there was still a chance to help them I would find it. They need me and I need them. 

    Soon after a lot of running what felt like in circles I found another light. This time though it was bigger and shaped like a doorway. When I got close it didn’t disappear, was this it? 

    Slowly I put my hand through the door and before I could do anything else it pulled me in. Like a flash of light I was back in the infirmary at Brightmoon but was this real? I looked around me. It was night so everything was dark and quiet. 

    Then I heard a sound by me so I looked over. Glimmer was laying her head down on my bed with her hand holding onto mine. She looked so cute when she was asleep, like always. 

    She started to wake up as she sat up to stretch, popping her back in the process. Yawning she looked at me, a bright smile taking up her entire face. "Adora! Are you awake?" Laughing I responded with, "Yes Glimmer I am awake. How long have I been out for?"

    Her bright smile faded fast as she lowered her eyes down away from mine. "You've been asleep for 4 day. I was so worried, we were worried you wouldn't wake up." She said, trying to keep herself from crying. Looking closer at her now I could tell she hasn’t gotten like any rest. She has dark bags under her eyes and she didn’t have any energy left in her. 

   "Glimmer, it is okay. I am okay, you can’t get rid of me that easily." She laughed at that. "That’s good, I am glad you're awake." It hurt to laugh but I did miss hearing her laugh. 

    "I am so happy to see you Glimmer, I have missed you and the others so much." Glimmer quickly silenced me, grabbing my hand again. "We all have missed you too but we will talk about this later. When you get some rest and get all better. That is all that matters right now."

   "Okay fine but only if you get some rest now too." Groaning Glimmer agreed, "Fine I will now that I know you're going to be okay." That didn’t stop me though for asking her a question. "Glimmer can I ask you something?" 

   "Yeah of course, what is it?" I smiled and squeezed her hand a little bit. "Will you sleep with me in the bed tonight?"

    She didn’t think I could see her in the dark but her face became so red. "Ye-ah of course!" Couple minutes after Glimmer climbed into bed we fell asleep. 

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