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Bow POV: 

        The sunlight came through the crack of the curtain , shinning throughout the room. It was 6am the time I usally get up in the mornings. I yawned, stretched and popped my back, jumping out of bed.

        I stay here when I don’t go home. This is basically like my second home and family. Me and Gimmer have been friends since we were little, always wondering off on adventures together. I was going to head to the dinning room for some breakfast before meeting with Adora and Glimmer. 

        Getting ready and grabbing my bow and arrows I made my way to the door, opening it quietly in case anyone was still asleep shutting it softley behind me. I made my way through the halls looking outside the big windows that covered the walls of the castle. It was a beautiful day, the sun still rising above the clouds. The sky is a mix of pink, red and orange. It was a great day for training today. 

        Taking a left turn I reached the big doors to the dining room already smelling the smell of the pastries inside. I opened the door and walked in grabbing a muffin and some apple juice taking a seat by the window. It wouldn’t be long until Adora and Glimmer woke up and came to the dinning room for breakfast. 

         Hopefully we don’t train too long today, I know how sore and tired everyone is from yesterday's fight. A shiver ran down my back when I thought about how we were so close to losing everything, taking a bite of my muffin. I snapped out of it and watched as the sun rose casting light over the shadows, making it brighter. 

          I am a morning person unlike everyone else in the castle. Getting a head start on the day using als much of the daylight as I could before it got dark again. With that I am usually the only one awake in the castle for a while.

          Glimmer and Adora usually wake up around 8am or 9am. I feel like they like each other more than just friends by the way they blush and how the act around each other. I just can’t prove it and burst out laughing randomly making Glimmer blush more and shoot me a dirty look.

         Smiling just thinking about how right they would be for each other makes me happy. I want them to be happy as well. I plan on talking to Glimmer about it soon but never can fight a right time with all this horde stuff and Catra.

         Catra makes my blood boil. She has tried killing us so many times with not even a care of how much pain she is causing. Adora grew up with her in the horde before we met her, after she left her she couldn’t take it. Sending bots and soldiers to hurt her and the rebellion. As it turns to 7:30am I finish up my breakfast and wait a little bit before I make my way to Adora and Glimmer. 



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