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Scropia POV:

      It has been a few days since the incident in the forest with Adora. Catra hasn’t said anything or been out of her room for the whole time. I know she wanted to hurt Adora but she never wanted to hurt her like this. 

     With that said I been giving her space unless she asked me for anything. Since she hasn’t though I am getting kinda worried. I decided I was going to go to her room today to check on her. 

     I walked down the hall and reached her door a couple minutes later. I knocked “Catra it’s Scropia, can I come in?” I didn’t get a yes or no but she growled so I started to open the door slowly. 

    When I walked in it was pitch black with no light in sight. She was in her bed underneath her blankets in a ball not moving as I got closer. When I got to the bed I sat at the front end of it and put my claw on the side of her shoulder. 

   "Hey Catra you okay?" "I am fine!" She shouted as she hit my claw off of her shoulder. "Okay but I know you wildcat, this isn't like you. I am worried you haven't come out of your room sin…" Before I could finish my sentence I got cut off, "don’t say it, don’t mention what happened that day!"

    "I know I wanted to get revenge for what she did to me but I never wanted to kill her!" She started to cry hard now trying to keep her breathing steady as she talked. She didn’t know Adora was okay, I checked on it a day after the incident. 

    "Catra you didn’t kill Adora. She is okay just in bad condition, she is stable but they are waiting for her to wake up. She lost a lot of blood." 

     She snapped up straight still wrapped in her blanket. "No I saw what happened, I saw her fall to the ground as the blood surrounded her. How do you know she isn’t dead?" 

    "I had the troops go do recon at Brightmoon to see if she was still alive and report back." She just sat there staring straight not saying anything. "Catra?" I questioned as I reached for her.

     Jumping up she stopped crying, "Good that means we can still get the portal up and running." Sighing, I got up and tried to talk to her. "Catra you're not yourself right now it’s okay to take time. Maybe the portal isn’t a good idea anymore." 

    Looking down at her feet her ears went down and tears formed her eyes again, she was still in shock. I went in for a hug, she fought me a bit but gave in. We stood there for a while and I lost track of how long it actually was. 

    I then noticed she had fallen asleep standing up, she hasn’t been getting much sleep either. I picked her up and put her back into bed covering her up. "Get some sleep, I will be here." I decided I would sit in her room to keep an eye on her just in case something happened during the night, I also am worried about her.

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