The decoy

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Adora POV:  

    I was trapped again in that nightmare. The forest, fire, catra, Bow on the ground and Glimmer dying. It felt so long but then I started to wake up to find myself strapped to the table Shadow Weaver strapped me to when I came to rescue Glimmer. When I was awake I looked around more and saw I was in the black garnet chamber, the same room as last time also. 

       There is also no sign of my sword anywhere or anyone. Just then though I heard footsteps coming from the hallways. Then a laugh I have heard many times before. "Hey Adora, you're awake," Catra said, making her way towards me. 

     "We have big plans ready for you." "What do you want, Catra? What are you planning and why am I here." More footsteps headed there way down the hall to the room. It was Entrapta, Scropia and Shadow Weaver. "Hey Adora!" Entrapta said, waving.

      Catra growled at her and started to speak in a deep tone of voice but not leaving my eyes. “Is the plan set for operation two Entrapta?” “Ahh yesss the plan is set I am preparing the decoy as we speak. It should be done right about now.” 

     "Good call them in." With that order Entrapta pushed a button on her tablet followed by more footsteps. It was someone new, someone I have not seen before. "Hello my friends and kitten." They was green and kinda looked like a lizard. 

     Catra could see the confusion on my face and couldn’t help but smirk. "Oh Adora, so clueless. Meet Double Trouble." I rolled my eyes and snapped the look of my face. "What does a lizard have to do with your mighty plan anyways."

    "Do your thing Double Trouble." I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. They turned into Bow ,Glimmer, Entrapta, Catra and finally me. I was stunned and couldn’t help but feel worried.

    "This is what a lizard is going to do for my plan. While you are here helping with the rest of the plan, Double Trouble will go back to distracting your friends. They will never even know you are gone."

      I was scared but I didn't want to give her the satisfaction or better yet not have her see. Knowing her she could and she was enjoying it. "It won’t work, my friends know me and with that he can’t turn into She-Ra. Plus what makes you think I will help you." "Oh but he can and you will," she said laughing. With a snap of Catra’s fingers Double Trouble turned into She-Ra in less then a second. 

    "Well with being She-Ra you still need the sword." Catra sighed and walked over to where she put my sword bringing it back over by me. "That is why I am giving it to Double Trouble." 

     "Face it Adora, you can’t do anything. You will feel the pain that I have as you watch Etheria get conquered and the Brighmoon destroyed. Also if you don’t help Double Trouble will hurt the ones you care about most." My eyes watered from the tears I was trying to hold back, stinging as they tried to escape. She was right. I am stuck here. I won’t be able to do anything. 

     "I think we are done for now. Double trouble head out, Scropia and Entrapta go start on phase two and Shadow Weaver make sure Adora can’t leave.  "Will do Wildcat, let's go Entrapta." As the two sprinted out leaving me with Catra and Shadow Weaver. 

     Shadow Weaver though picked up Catra with her magic "Catra I don’t take orders from a pathetic mistake like yourself." Before it could go further Hordak popped on the screen on the wall. 

    "But you will be with me. I gave you that magic and I can very easily take it away. Put force captain Catra down and do what is told of you. As for you Catra, congratulations is in order for capturing Adora and starting the plan for Etheria. Now get going to help with the next part."

    Catra fell to the ground as Shadow Weaver let her go with a thump but got back up, fixed her hair and walked towards the door. Before she left she gave me one more smirk mouthing see you later. Now one remained, me and Shadow Weaver. All I remember is her saying sweet dreams as she hit me with some magic knocking me out cold.

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