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Adora POV:

    There were intruders coming into the Horde there were only a few people I know that would be crazy enough to do that. Then my hypothesis was correct after Catra gave an order. "Scropia get the troops and the bots we are heading out."

The weird thing though before she left she whispered something in scropia’s ear that I couldn’t hear. Turning to me after giving me an evil grin "You can come with then after Entrapa will be ready for you."

"You need to witness in person what is about to happen." Walking down the hall I tried to escape but knew it would be no use. We ran into Scropia on the way. 

When we got outside my flashes started again. The forest was on fire there was Catra and scropia. Scropia then tranquilized  me so I couldn’t move as she sat me down. "You will be used as bait and don’t try anything because you can't move or talk anyways."

I heard familiar voices in the distance as Catra and Scropia went and hid behind some bushes. "Adora!" It was Glimmer and bow running towards me full speed. They looked beat up by some bots that they probably fought on the way here. 

I couldn't warn then and before I had the chance Catra and Scropia jumped them. Knocking bow unconscious like my dream and Catra putting Glimmer into a choke hold. It was just like my dream and the flashes that have been happening but this time it was real and there was still nothing I could do. 

Before I could get up after the tranquilizer wore off Scropia had a hold of me. "Hey Adora," Catra said with a laugh looking at me tightening her grip on Glimmer. This was her plan all along she knew that this would happen. 

"Not so powerful now are your princess, that is what you get for leaving me and the horde." She was saying the same stuff from the dream and Glimmer had the same fear in her eyes. 

Once again I tried to reason with her even though I knew it was hopeless at this point. "You could have joined me Catra, you could have gotten away from the horde too. Just look at what you are doing. I never wanted to leave you Catra." 

     I tried to change my words from my dream hoping it would somehow to alter the outcome. I knew deep down though that it was probably not going to work. I knew Catra brought my sword with her when we left so I tried to look for it hoping I could get away from Scropia to grab it. 

Catra looked at me with a smirk rolling her eyes. Knowing what I was looking for she showed me my sword. "We have made it better. Before you left on some identity crisis and joined the rebellion. This is what you wanted, what we wanted."

She was still hurt from earlier when we had that fight and I told her that I was glad I left her. Calling her pathetic but her sadness slowly turned into anger again. "You left me for them, for this now I am going to hurt you just like you did me when you left." "Whatever happens next is your fault Adora." 

That line is the line that has haunted me for so long. The same line that keeps popping into my head everytime I get a flash. That is the line she says before I lose Glimmer forever. "Catra no please!" She grabbed the sword and without thinking I was able to escape Scropia’s grip and jumped in front of Glimmer. 

Releasing her from Catra’s grip and pushing her away as the sword pierced through my stomach. Going through to the other side. It burned and I could feel my body start to go cold until I felt nothing. 

Falling in between Glimmer and Catra. Catra looked shocked like she can’t believe she just did that, like she never wanted this to happen. She dropped the sword in fear backing away shaking as Scropia grabbed her. Telling the troops to retreat as they left.

She stood there tears rolled down her face as she turned and left. Isn’t this what she wanted though for me to pay. I would say I told you so about there being good in her but I was having problems just staying awake.

Glimmer then fell to her knees in front of me crying, holding me in her arms now as she kept saying my name. I could barely hear her. "Adora please no. Please stay with me, you can’t go. We just got you back, we need you, I need you."

From the side I could see Bow he was cautious again holding Glimmer as he cried. Blood was surrounding us now and everything was getting darker. "You're not leaving us." She picked me up and started to teleport. Using the rest of her magic she had left as we went though the forest.

  "We're going back to Brighmoon, you will be okay, stay with me Adora please. That is all you need to do, just keep your eyes on me." I tried to stay awake but couldn’t. Soon enough I was drifting off into the darkness. Hearing the echoing of Glimmer and Bow crying and trying to keep me awake until everything was black.

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