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Glimmer POV, 

We rushed quickly back to Brightmoon and lost all my power but we made it in time, barely. Everytime I looked down she was paler in color looking more like a ghost every second. Her body became more limp in my arms as it became as cold as ice.

      I was crying so hard and pushing so hard I couldn’t lose her, I loved her. We just got her back from the horde. This can’t be the end. I haven’t even told her how much I loved her, I told the imposter. 

     When we got back we rushed quickly into the infirmary and laid her down. Then we started stitching her up and getting a blood transfusion and IV put in. They said if we were two minutes slower getting back we would have lost her. 

     After we got her stable and her vitals were good all we could do was wait for her to wake up. I was determined not to leave the room, glued to Adora’s bed side. Bow sighed and got me a chair. 

    "I know you are not leaving but at least rest, she is okay now." I know he was just saying that to make me feel better but I could tell in his eyes he was worried to. “Thanks bow, I promise I will get some rest.” as I gave him a smile. He smiled back and made his way over to the door.

    "I will go to my room and don’t worry about breakfast. I will get some and bring it back here in the morning." "Thanks Bow, you get some rest too."

    "Will do," He said, giving me a little wave and nod as he walked out, shutting the door slowly behind him. "Oh Adora I am sorry sorry.This is all my fault since the start. I am sorry I didn’t notice sooner."

      My head dropped down as I brought my hand to my face to stop me from crying again. Even if I wanted to cry though my eyes were so dry from crying all the way here that I couldn’t cry no more. I looked up fast in happiness though when I heard Adora move and groan. 

     "Adora! Are you okay?" She didn't say anything or open her eyes.I sighed as I reached towards her hand laying on the bed. I stopped in hesitation but then soon held it in my hand. 

      "I am here Adora, it is okay you are safe now." I didn’t know if she could hear me but if she could I wanted to let her know she was safe. Feeling her hand, I could tell she was getting warmer. 

      That made me smile and squeeze her hand tighter. I really wanted to climb into bed and cuddle with her but I stopped myself. If only it was her I said all those things to at the birthday party. Then I would know if I could or if she liked me back, knowing if I actually had a shot with her. 

      I will never forget her face when she saw Catra pull out the sword or the face she made after she jumped in front of it as she got stabbed. She jumped in front of the sword to save me knowing damn well what was about to happen and what the cost was. She saved my life and all I wanna do is do the same for her by staying with her and making sure she stays alive. 

Snapping out of it I quickly pushed that memory out of my mind and back to focusing on Adora. "You know me and Bow care about you right?" Still holding her hand as I started to trace it with my finger. "You know I care about you right and what you did was crazy."

     I wished she would give me a sign that she could hear me. “Adora if you can hear me squeeze my hand back.” I waited in anticipation hoping she would squeeze back but she didn’t. 

     Groaning I looked up to her face and it was glowing in the moonlight. I was in love with that smile, voice, body laugh and eyes. I was in love with everything about her. I was so close to her face now that I could kiss her. Slowly I leaned in closer to her but backed off, I couldn’t do it. 

     Glitter was all over the room dancing in the moonlight. I tried getting rid of it but gave up. Yawning I laid my head down on my bed with her hand still in mine wishing none of this never happened. I took a deep breath and felt myself starting to doze off. 

      I tried to keep myself awake to watch her and be there for her just in case she woke up. My eyes kept closing though as they started to give in. "Please wake up soon Adora we miss you, I miss you."

     With that I finally fell asleep. As much as I didn't want to, I knew I needed to get a good amount of rest to help tomorrow. Bow would also be here pretty soon too so I have about maybe 5 hours to sleep. Soon enough after falling asleep , I drifted off into a deep slumber.

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